Pillowcases donated to Elizabeth Seton Childrens Center
NSQG member Lisa Mason has delivered 165 pillowcases, 86 provided by NSQG members. Her daughter, Caroline, is going to set up a shop at the hospital and give each of the kids a ticket. They can then come with their therapist to “buy” their own pillowcase. Lisa’s thanks to everyone for helping out, it means so much.
NSQG Presidents’ Message December 2019
We hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving and are now looking forward to the holiday season.
At the Guild, the season of giving has already begun!
The response to Lisa Mason’s request for pillowcases for children at the Elizabeth Seton hospital was wonderful. She received 86 pillowcases from the Guild which will add fun and color to the children’s beds.
Kathy Keane was able to deliver a carload of reusable shopping bags, donated by members, to an area Food Pantry so that, come spring, when the new state plastic bag law comes into effect the Pantry can use its resources to buying food for those families who need it.
Since June, Comfort Quilts has already donated 139 quilts to local care organizations. This might be an all-time record!
The Blocks of the Peace Quilt created by children at the New Rochelle Middle School were beautifully put together by Guild members and the completed quilt can now be hung and displayed at the school.
Thank you to all those members who donate their time and talent to help the Guild make a difference in our area.
Thanks also to all of you who supported the November boutiques. The vendors all reported enthusiastic buyers and brisk sales and were very happy with the sales results.
If you haven’t already, we hope that you will pick up your tickets for the 2020 Quilt Show raffle at the December Guild meeting. This will help Anne MacDonald – and save the Guild postage! The beneficiary of the proceeds of the raffle will be New Dawn Family Resource Center which provides resources to victims of domestic abuse. Dick Lyman, a Board member, spoke at our last meeting about the resources that this very worthwhile organization provides to victims of domestic violence.
Lisa at Pins and Needles has kindly agreed once again to donate a Bernina sewing machine for the 2019 raffle. Pins and Needles has recently moved to beautiful new and larger space at Radio Circle in Mount Kisco, so if you are looking to buy some fabric or notions, you will want to stop by — and also pass along all our appreciation.
Daisy Dodge has assembled the block kits for the 2021 raffle quilt and they too are available for pick up at the next Guild meeting. This quilt promises to be as beautiful as the 2020 quilt and we thank Daisy for all the creativity and hard work she is putting into it.
Hope to see you on December 17. Until then, stay dry and warm!
Karen and Anne, president@northernstarquilters.com
December 2019
B.T.W. Don’t forget to send your photos to Sarah for our Instagram account: social@northernstarquilters.com!