CQ Summer Project Raffle Display
We received an outpouring of email to let us know how happy you were that Kennedy Catholic has invited us to continue to have our meetings at the school. There was definitely a collective sigh of relief!
A couple of weeks ago Althea dropped off three lovely quilts , made by Guild members, as our contribution to Kennedy Catholic’s Auction. It is a big fundraiser for the school and is being held on Saturday, November 16, 2019, from 6:00p.m. to 10p.m. You can learn more about their ‘Winter Wonderland’ Auction here.
Being able to stay in our “home” at Kennedy also means that we are no longer distracted searching for new space and we can now focus on what we love to do!
One of the wonderful benefits of Guild membership is to be able to learn from other members and be inspired by their ideas: Super Saturday, demos, Show and Tell and our SIGs are all opportunities to hone our skills and get the creative juices flowing. We are now hoping to expand our Facebook and Instagram accounts to share what we are doing and working on or experimenting with. If you have anything of interest to offer — be it a particular quilting technique that would make a good demo or simply photographs of quilt shows you have attended or quilts, finished or in progress, we hope that you will enrich the Guild by stepping forward to share your knowledge and experiences and photos.
Thank you to all of you who made our Comfort Quilt summer challenge raffle such a success! Comfort Quilts raised $300 which will help purchase materials for the program.
Our meeting this month is Tuesday, November 19. This month we hold the Boutique which will start at 5:30 p.m., so please come early and support our member vendors as well as pick up some great bargains from Comfort Quilts. Our program will be given by Charlie Hietala who will be presenting on thread painting which should be a great introduction for many of us on a way to add to our quilting toolbox. There are still 4 spots available for the workshop if you would like to attend.
We also hope to be rolling out a brand new audio system in the cafeteria so we are looking forward to hearing how that’s working!!!
See you then.
Anne and Karen
November 2019