Board Candidates-Click pic for Bios- Anne,Karen,Daisy,Deb,Linda,Rona,Karen,Rebeka,Rosemary,Linda,Narci,Julie
The Annual Meeting of the Northern Star Quilter’s Guild will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., at John F. Kennedy Catholic High School, Somers, New York. At that Meeting, the membership will vote on the following candidates for the NSQG Board for the 2019-2020 Guild year. The candidates are:
Co-Presidents: Karen Carlson and Anne Chehebar
Secretary: Rona Spar
Co-Treasurers: Rebeka Glacy and Karen Martinez
Co-Vice Presidents: Communications – Daisy Dodge and Deborah Warren
Vice President: Education – Linda Finegan
Vice President: Membership – Rosemary DePaola
Vice President: Programs – Linda Stern
Co-Vice Presidents: Quilt Show – Narcita Medina and Julie Long
The Board appointed positions to oversee Charitable Activities and Hospitality and Special Events are still open. Please let us know if you can help or would like further information.
President’s Message
This message should be arriving in your in-box just as A World of Quilts XL is wrapping up. I saw a sampling of the quilts at Saturday’s quilt drop off and it looks like we will have a stunning display. Everyone involved has done a fantastic job and I want to thank all who have volunteered. Daisy and Debby have taken on the show with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. They have done a great job organizing it, and looking for ways to make it even more exciting and successful.
This year’s Challenge Quilts were fantastic. I was overwhelmed by the workmanship and the variety of interpretations of the theme – Ruby Red Flowers. What a way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of A World of Quilts. I offer a big thank-you for April for organizing the challenge. She enjoyed running the event so much she has volunteered to run next year’s challenge. Look for the announcement of next year’s theme in the coming months.
Our May meeting will have a lot going on. It is the guild’s Annual Meeting and we will be voting on the proposed slate of officers for 2019-2020. We will also be drawing the tickets for the winner of this year’s raffle quilt and the Bernina sewing machine.
Additionally at the meeting, we will be handing out a member survey for you to complete. Carol Sterk has formed a committee to look at what it is the Guild is doing right, where we can improve things, and what do members expect of us. Membership has been dropping the past few years and we want to see what we can do to bring in new members and retain them. Please take the time to complete the form; it will be a great tool for us to shape the future of the guild.
Our program is a repeat of the one canceled last May when Kennedy Catholic lost power just before our meeting. Sue Beever will be giving a “hands-on” lecture in the cafeteria. In groups of 6-8 people with 36-40 fabric “chips” at each table (provided by Sue) we will discuss real life color harmonies. A color wheel only shows us color theory; using real fabrics, both prints and solids, Sue will lead us in a discussion to help us create different color scenarios. I was sorry we missed out on this “lecture” last year and am glad she is able to return to us.
Susan Fasnacht,