Metropolis Sunrise Volunteers-Eagle eyes will spot Rona, Althea, Brenda and Anne in the crowd!
Hopefully, you all had an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day and were even able to get in some sewing during the days following. Something we cannot say enough: we are extremely thankful for all those members who donate their time and talent to this Guild. Without you this organization would cease to thrive and be vibrant.
Can you believe that December is already here? Now the truly hectic holidays season begins. Our December 14th meeting, the 2nd Wednesday, at Kennedy will be more casual because we do not have a scheduled speaker. That means there is plenty of time for Show and Tell … always a highlight of our meetings. Plan now to bring something and sign your name on the Clipboard sheet when you enter! The usual refreshments will be provided and you’re more than welcome to bring in a wee bit to share.
During the next few months, we will be looking for members to take on the elected positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer, Programs, Quilt Show and Communications for the next guild year, July 2022- thru June 2023. All these positions could be “Co-Jobs” with shared responsibilities. How wonderful it would be if two members who work well together would just step up and volunteer!
Our meetings in January and February will be Zoom meetings. You will receive Zoom link information ahead of each meeting. Be sure to check our website for all activities, speakers and workshops planned for the new year.
The February 3rd-5th retreat at the Center in Mariandale will be a fun and productive weekend! There are a few spots available. The fee is $230 which includes a private room, meals, snacks, and a comfortable workroom on a beautiful campus. Contact Jody Sullivan (jodysull@optonline.net) or Margaret Cibulsky (margy52@gmail.com) if interested.
Be sure to sign up for Super Saturday on February 18, it promises to be an enjoyable day.
Take care of yourselves until we see you soon,
Margaret Cibulsky and Jody Sullivan, president@northernstarquilters.com