Dee Rizzo chose her own quilt. Jody Sullivan’s choice was by Joyce Sullivan. Mary Rossetti chose JoAnne Hochstein’s.
With our guild now in full swing at our new home, we hope you are enjoying our meetings as much as we are. Little by little we are ironing out the minor problems that arose with the new change of space.
We look forward to welcoming Cindy Grisdela at our November meeting. Her lecture will be followed by a workshop. We look forward to seeing and hearing many of her new ideas and techniques.
And speaking of techniques, Fran Jacobson will be chairing a Special Interest Group for beginner quilters. Please check with Fran for more details.
At our last meeting Comfort quilts had a wonderful raffle from their summer challenge. Comfort quilts under Karen Carlson’s and Carol Auer’s leadership, sews quilts for those in need. If you are free on Wednesdays join them at the North Salem Ambulance Corp. Please see our website for more details.
And as always please read the entire newsletter and check our website. There is a wealth of information right at your fingertips on all our future activities.
Hope to see you on November 15th.
Sheryl and Helen, president@northernstarquilters.com