Scissor Man
October’s meeting was great fun with 72 members present. We were entertained by guest lecturer Linda Hahn and six members took her workshop the following day. The Comfort Quilt Summer Challenge Raffle was a success: we collected over $300 so there were three quilt winners. It was not easy for the raffle winners to choose a quilt because of the beautiful display. Ohhh … and many of us went home with sharp scissors!
The last shipment of more than 170 quilts has reached Ukraine and it was heartwarming to see photos confirming this information. Quilts were donated by members of this guild, NYC Metro Mod, a guild from Long Island, a group from Cape Cod and other individuals. Thank you all for your generosity! (Notice the photo with a NSQG Comfort Quilt label.)
Our planned retreat at the Center at Mariandale is scheduled for February 3-5 (Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon). The price is $230 which includes room and board, six meals, snacks and beverages, and plenty of sewing time. To sum it all up – a weekend of camaraderie, relaxation and fun! If you definitely want to attend, please email jodysull@optonline.net and margy52@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you again at Kennedy on Wednesday, November 16. Please bring a Show and Tell and sign up at the entry. Also bring “ugly fabrics” in a bag or box and drop off with Rosemary DePaola.
Make it a habit to check our website, northernstarquilters.com to see what else is happening, check under the menu heading ‘Happenings’, review the event calendar items, or click on the ‘Quick Links’ entry. You can see samples and descriptions for the February 18th Super Saturday classes by clicking on the Super Saturday links.
See you soon!
Margaret Cibulsky and Jody Sullivan, co-presidents