Maria Hlushko and Kurt Guldan from North Salem Volunteer Ambulance Corps accepting the $6500 raffle quilt check from Helen May.

We hope your summer has been consumed with all things that bring you joy. We are really looking forward to what is going to be a wonderful year, starting with our first big event, the Lancaster AQS Trip including fabric shopping and the Quilt Show.  Much thanks to Christine Bunke for putting it all together.

Thanks to Jo Thomas and her committee, we have many wonderful guest lecturers and workshops coming this year.  This is your chance to learn new skills and improve your quilting. Please look further in the newsletter to see if there is anything you would like to sign up for.

Rona Spar, our activity chair, and our SIGS are already gearing up for the new year.  If anyone has any new ideas for a SIG and would be interested in forming one, please let us know.  We are always open to new suggestions and innovative ideas

It’s unbelievable that our guild has grown to around 250 members.  Special thanks to Joanne Visovsky, Carol Sterk and Rosemary DePaola for their hospitality in hosting new member get-togethers.  Since we have so many new members, if you see a new face, please introduce yourself.  It would also be very helpful if everyone would remember to wear their name tags to our meetings.

And since we are mentioning meetings, we will again be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Fox Lane with the January and February meetings on Zoom.   In December, because of the holidays we will be meeting on the 2nd Wednesday.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Sheryl and Helen,

2024-25 Planned Meeting Dates – Calendar Link
Sept 18, 2024
Oct 16, 2024
Nov 20, 2024
Dec 11, 2024
Jan 15, 2025  Zoom
Feb 19, 2025 Zoom
Mar 19, 2025
Apr 16, 2025
May 21, 2025
June 18, 2025

Member Notices: