Viewers Choice-Norma Lopez Burton-When Life Give You Scraps Make Quilts
As our first year as presidents comes to an end, we wish to thank you all for making it such a rewarding (and, yes, exhausting) experience. Seriously, ALL of you have helped in so many ways…volunteering, putting up with our hiccups, offering advice and just generally being cheerful. (Isn’t that the true nature of every quilter?!?)
With all the challenges new leadership faces, we had a few extras with changes of quilt show venues, workshop venues and meeting schedules. But with help and cooperation from many of you, we can honestly say we think this year has been a success and look forward to a positive one next year, as well.
Our final gathering is Wednesday, June 15 @ 6 pm, for our annual Salad Supper. Please bring a salad or cold dish, see details in the following Hospitality section.
We sincerely look forward to seeing you all.
Jody and Margaret
Contact president@northernstarquilters.com

Best of Show(small)-At the Bazaar-Linda Schoenfeld

Best of Show(large)-Good Times Bad TImes-Barbara Camoagna