‘Put a Heart on It’ Challenge

This newsletter is most likely arriving in your in-box right after A World of Quilts XLI has ended.  In case you are wondering, 65 NSQG members submitted 162 quilts and 16 non-members also participated.  We sincerely thank everyone who contributed their time, effort and talent to make this show a success.  Special thanks go to Lisa Alfonzetti and her competent and amazing committee for all they did to bring us back to an in-person and fabulous experience in this new venue.  We look forward to hearing your opinions.

Chris Economos, who is coordinating the collection and delivery of quilts to Ukraine from NSQG and NYCMQG and others, has informed us that she will have about 100 quilts to send soon. As wonderful as that is, it’s a sad reminder that the need for comfort and support is ongoing. Chris has said that this effort will continue and she will let us know about future collection dates.

Be sure to review the information about our Annual Meeting and Board Election below.  We still have an opening for the appointed position of Activities Liaison. Several of the events that fall in this category have been filled so much of the work has been done. We just need one of two members to head up the committee.  Please consider volunteering!

The guest speaker at our May meeting is our own Lisa Mason who will present a trunk show of her beautiful quilts.  You are in for a big treat! Two lucky people will win our charity raffle prizes! And don’t forget your Show n Tell!

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday May 18!
Jody and Margaret
Contact president@northernstarquilters.com


Notice of Annual Meeting and 2022-2023 Board Election
Wednesday, May 18th, 2020 – 6pm

The annual meeting and election will take place prior to our regular business meeting.

Slate of Officers

Co-President:  Margaret Cibulsky

For most of my adult life, I lived happily on Long Island where I taught Kindergarten and First Grade for 32 years, where my husband worked for SUNY and where we raised two sons.  Three years ago, I moved from Long Island to Stamford, Connecticut and a few months later I joined NSQG, and participate in both Comfort Quilts and the Improvisational SIG.  I came to quilting 15 years ago, filled with grief after my husband passed, but I was able to sort out my life by working with my hands, mind, and heart.  A few years later, 2010, the NYC Metro Modern Quilt Guild formed, and I have been an active member ever since.  That is where I fell in love with improvisational and scrap quilts.  Hoping our year ahead is filled with positive energy, good health, and lots of time to quilt.

Co-President:  Jody Sullivan

I am married to my high school sweetheart Jim for 54 years.  We raised our three children in our 150-year-old house which we were constantly renovating ourselves.  When it was finally “finished” after about 30 years, I found time to buy a sewing machine and discovered quilting.  I started by taking several classes at The Country Quilter and was hooked!  I have now joined the fabric hoarders’ society and spend much of my free time (particularly these past years) making quilts (when not helping with eleven grandkids).  I joined NSQG a few years ago and discovered an amazing group of fellow quilters and look forward to continuing in their future.

Secretary:  Francine Jacobson

I took my first quilting class at The Niddy Noddy in Croton-on-Hudson in 1980 and I haven’t stopped since!  I have a large family and mostly make quilts for weddings and babies.  I worked for 30 years as an educator in Ossining and since my retirement I can dedicate more time to quilting.  Since joining the guild a few years ago, I have begun to explore many new avenues in the world of quilting and appreciate the opportunity to give back!

Treasurer:  Amanda Curley

When I joined the NSQG in 2015, the world of quilting I knew as a child had changed.   I’ve been fascinated with the different quilting techniques and approaches and captivated with the quilts made and shared while enjoying the friendship of so many quilters.  As we all know, there is a time to give back and in 2021 I decided to volunteer to be the Guild’s Treasurer.  Your votes gave me the position and this journey has been as informative as have been the years as a new quilter.  As your treasurer, I have managed the monthly accounting with the multiple transactions involved.  I appreciate the different budgets and the Chairpersons who responsibly manage them.  I humbly recognize the savings that was accumulated over years by diligent members.  Being Treasurer has taken precedence over quilting, oh, my!  I would like to continue as your treasurer.  With the assistance of others, I would like to plan a budget strategy that will provide guidance on how best to prepare for our near future.  As we all know, tomorrow’s changes are already here.

Vice President–Communications:  Anne MacDonald

I began quilting in 2014, and it was love at first stitch.  My mother had been a hand quilter in the 70’s and I learned how to machine piece from my sister-in-law after admiring all her creations.  Quilting is a welcome change from using my brain at work, and I especially like the tactile and repetitive nature of the activities – cut, sew, press, cut, sew, press!  I joined the guild in 2015 and enjoy being with others that are interested in all things fabric and creative.  My favorite guild day all year is Super Saturday and I have found that smaller group activities are a good way to get to know other members.  Although we have had some great remote experiences, I am excited that we are able to have in-person activities again!  I joined the board first as the Charitable Activities Chair, and then as Assistant to the Presidents and have really enjoyed the experience.

Vice President–Programs:  Kathy Tuttle

I am a retired educator who started Quilting when I was waiting for my second grandchild to be born.  A good friend of mine told me I had to make a giraffe/measurement chart for the nursery, and she would help me.  Having been a sewer for most of my life I thought it was a great idea.  That was five years ago.  While the project was way over my head, I fell in love with quilting.  I am a self-taught quilter with a few classes here and there.  I was delighted to join the guild last year, excited to meet wonderful people and learn from experienced quilters.  Since joining the guild, I have realized through the many wonderful programs and workshop that my love lies with art quilting.  I am a life-long learner and I look forward to in person meetings and workshops as the world opens its doors again in the not-too-distant future.

Vice President–Quilt Show:  Lisa Alfonzetti

While being a supporter of the guild since the beginning of my business in 1987, I only became a member in 2021.  And shortly after joining, I volunteered to take on the Quilt Show.  We faced more than the usual obstacles this past year, including having to find a new venue, but with a great committee working with me we have accomplished a lot and The World of Quilts XLI is poised to be a great show.  It makes sense to volunteer for another year to maintain the continuity and strive to make improvements in our new venue.  One of the things from this experience that I am most grateful for is getting to know so many guild members better.  There is a wealth of talent, knowledge and capabilities, and everyone here inspires me.  It has been a great experience for me!

Vice President–Membership:  Joanne Visovsky 

I’m not really a quilter but was interested enough to join the guild in 2019.  As a full-time real estate agent, I don’t have an abundance of free time.  I wanted to get back into sewing and liked the idea of Comfort Quilts.  As a young girl I hand-sewed doll clothes with my grandmother’s help.  Started machine sewing in junior high and high school.  Bought myself a Bernina Nova 900 after college and considered it a huge gift to myself!  Then life took over and my machine sat idle for decades while I worked and raised our four kids.  Now it’s time to get back to creating and I find all you guild members so inspiring!  Being on the Membership Team has been fun for me and I look forward to continuing.