We hope everyone has survived this cold winter and that spring is just around the corner.  With the days getting lighter, we are again going to meet in person on March 19th. We look forward to seeing all of you!  You don’t want to miss this meeting, as a lot is going on.

VERY IMPORTANT:  Due to Fox Lane’s spring break, our April 16th meeting is now going to be on Zoom.  Challenge quilts which are due at the March meeting will be voted on at the March meeting.  Please make every attempt to attend in March!

Quilt registration is now open and we hope everyone is busy finishing their quilts for the show.  Registration closes April 1st.

Shelley Lounsbury has asked us to remind you to please consider contributing items for our raffle baskets.  Please bring new items to the March meeting.

New at the next in-person meeting will be a bulletin board where people can  create a message on a post it.  Any information you would like to share with members at that night’s meeting can be added…. Do you need a ride, tools, want to sell something, buy something or have a question.  This is the place to do it.  The bulletin board will only be at the current meeting and will be started fresh the following month.  Our thanks to Chris Novell for suggesting this and offering to set it up.

Our fall Lancaster trip is now set for September 12-13th.  Please see inside the bulletin for details and start sign

Happy quilting,

Sheryl and Helen, president@northernstarquilters.com

Member Notices: