—————– Ugly? Not Ugly?
Firstly, thank you to those members who agreed to serve as elected officers on the Guild Board ’23-’24. A slate of candidates will be presented for approval at the March board meeting. We also thank the other members of the Nominating Committee, Rosemary De Paola, Kathy Keane and Grace Zipprich, who met with us on Zoom, made numerous phone calls and wrote emails.
Secondly, we’re looking forward to seeing many of you in person at our next meeting, Wednesday, March 15, at Kennedy Catholic. And we hope that those of you have been to our retreat at Mariandale and/or Super Saturday in Ossining and at Quilt Con in Atlanta will share your adventures and perhaps show us some work (even WIP).
‘Card Tricks’ Challenge Quilts should be brought to the March meeting.
Bring extra cash and a sense of fun to this meeting because the main feature will be our Ugly Fabric Auction. It’s amazing to see what beauty you all can create from what some others may think is “ugly.”
Margaret and Jody

NSQG Members at the Guild Quilt Retreat