Hello Quilters. The new Membership Books for 2017-2018 are going to the printer this week! Please stop by the welcome table to pick up your copy. Jennifer Kramer, membership@northernstarquilters.com.
*Guild Website and Email Communications–news@northernstarquilters.com*
Originally, Communications was responsible for developing and mailing a monthly printed newsletter to all members containing guild information and current updates. The internet grew and a website was added with general information. The cost of printing and mailing a newsletter became prohibitive and emailing replaced postal mail. A few years ago, supporting a separate email newsletter as well as a website became unmanageable and the monthly newsletter information was folded into an expanded website.
The guild website maintains information about the many different facets of the guild, a calendar of upcoming events, and highlights of current guild activities as well as relevant local events and member accomplishments. It also includes a blog (online journal) of updates from Board members. These monthly updates were the main component of the old printed/emailed newsletter and can now be found under ‘Latest News’ on the website’s main screen(home page) starting the beginning of every month.
A few days later, a fairly automatic process emails these posts to members – ‘News & Updates from Northern Star Quilters Guild’ . This email blast of blog posts is still referred to as the ‘newsletter’. Past blog posts can be found via ‘Archives’ in the footer at the bottom of the website page.
Another email, ‘Monthly Meeting Reminders’ is sent to all members just a few days before the guild meeting and contains short notices collected from the Board about the upcoming meeting. Special emails may occasionally be sent out with updated or one-time information. Neither of these are part of website.
In addition, website service was recently upgraded to provide faster response time. Especially if you haven’t lately, be sure to check out our website – https://www.northernstarquilters.com/
Hospitality: Members with last names beginning with G, H, and I are asked to bring a snack for November’s meeting. Members with D, E, and F last names: If we run a November raffle, your October snack tickets will be accepted for a free chance, so try to put it where you will remember it next month!
ALSO: We will be collecting food ( non-perishable items only, please) and gift card donations for local food pantries at the November meeting. Kathy Keane and Meg Mooar will have their cars ready to accept donations as you enter the meeting – no need to bring your donations all the way in! Just meet these ladies at the bottom of the stairs and help them fill up their cars. Thank you!