
Starts at 5:30!
Come early to shop at our Holiday Boutique, starting at 5:30! Non-members are welcome to shop as well, the guest fee is waived for the boutique meeting.
Comfort Quilts has lots of Holiday quilt kits, great fabric deals and gently used quilting notions and there will be a selection of hand-made items from members!

Winner Amanda Curley-Quilt by Patricia Loquet

Winner Deb Warren-Quilt by Carol Auer

Winner Fran Jacobsen-Quilt by Leslie Forrest
Our Summer Project Raffle last month raised $300 to help support Comfort Quilts and NSQG activities.
This month be sure to come early and stop by the Holiday Boutique Tables and pick up some great bargains and holiday gifts at the Comfort Quilt table.
Contact comfortquilts@northernstarquilters.com
2021 Quilt Show Raffle Quilt – block kits will be available
Contact charitable@northernstarquilters.com
Sign ups start at the November meeting for our trip to the AQS Lancaster Quilt Show! This is likely to be our last Lancaster trip due to the AQS schedule change so don’t miss out!
The cost of this year’s trip is $175 per person. This includes bus ride, hotel (double occupancy) and the meal at Plain and Fancy on Friday evening, as well as entry to the AQS show.
Sign ups will begin in November and last through the January meeting.
(Checks payable to Northern Star Quilters Guild Ltd)
Contact Patricia Loquet, trips@northernstarquilters.com

October Snacks thanks to Nancy Picco, Kathy Keane and D,E,F members
Members whose last names begin with the letters G, H, and I are asked to bring in a snack for our refreshment table. Cut-up fruit, nuts, cheese, chips and dip, as well as baked goodies are always welcome.
If you haven’t already done so please renew your membership now so you name can be included in our Directory.
I plan on having the Directory info available at the meeting to have members verify that the info is correct. If you have renewed and won’t be at the November meeting and there are changes that you want for the Directory, please email me with your changes.
Don’t forget to pick up your vintage pins at the Membership table for only $10 each while supplies last.
Registration is now even easier with online credit card registration or you can print and mail your check and registration. Click on your preferred member registration method:
Register Online by Credit Card
Register by Check and Mail
Any questions? Contact membership@northernstarquilters.com

Member Display – Quilts by Diane Linker
Member Contributions
-Review of the Bedford Antique Quilt Show
-Winning Quilts at Houston IQA Quilt Festival
– Show off your quilt at our 2020 Quilt Show. Beginner, intermediate or advanced, the quilt you create is a work of art! Let’s have every member of our Guild have one quilt in the quilt show this year. Maybe TWO !!!!!
Note-there is already a group of experienced Guild members who are part of this sub-committee.
Buses – Must attend Quilt Show on Saturday to meet buses. Communicate with guilds in the tri-state area to encourage groups to our show. A list of guilds and pre-written e-mails are available. Communication is through e-mail. Buses get a discount on ticket prices and receive a welcome basket. We are trying to increase the number of buses to the 2020 Quilt Show.
Contact quiltshow@northernstarquilters.com
Save the date for Super Saturday which is February 15, 2020 at Ossining High School. We are lining up some terrific classes for you. A look at what’s on the cutting board now:
- Foundation Paper Piecing by Diane Linker and Carol Sterk
- Beach Tote Bag by Rosemary DePaola
- Jelly Roll Rug by Daisy Dodge
- Hand Applique/Hand Embroidery by LuAnn Bruce
- Collage or Pictorial Quilting by Tamar Drucker
- Star Quilt Block by Janis Hardy (also Fidget Quilts)
- New Quilt Pattern from Patricia Loquet
- Basic Quilting Skills Builder Workshop by Linda Ostrander
As always we will have a “Sit and Sew” group. Signups will begin at the November Guild Meeting. Cost is $25 which also includes a hearty lunch and great quilt fellowship!!
Contact supersaturday@northernstarquilters.com
For those who would like their 2019 Challenge Quilt from last year to be considered for inclusion in NSQG’s entry (8 quilts needed) to the 2020 AQS Grand Rapids ‘Ultimate Guild Challenge’ Display, below are the guidelines from our 2019 Ruby challenge to refresh your memory.
You must have adhered strictly to our guidelines or your quilt will not meet the AQS guidelines.
Contact April Russell, challenge@northernstarquilters.com
(And don’t forget to work on this year’s ‘2020 What’s Your Vision’ Challenge)
NSQG 2019 Challenge Guidelines – Our Quilt Show will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary in 2019! Tradition states that Ruby is the gift! So, let’s celebrate our 40th with some beautiful Flowers to display at the Show.
- Quilt project must consist of 3 layers, back, top and batting all stitched together and quilted by hand or machine and created by one maker.
- You must use the Ruby challenge fabric provided to you by the Guild. You will receive a regular 1/4 yard of fabric.
- You may add as many additional fabric colors as you would like to enhance the Ruby challenge fabric.
- You may use your choice of threads or embellishments.
- The quilt can be constructed in any form you wish: paper piecing, traditional pattern, appliqué or your own design.
- Don’t forget the sleeve for hanging and a label.
- The quilt size must be 23 inches wide. The length can be up to 30 inches long but, that is the maximum size it can be.
Contact education@northernstarquilters.com
– Contact news@northernstarquilters.com with your ad.

Machine and Accessories
For Sale by Pat Julian: Bernina QE, Aurora 440. In perfect condition. Price negotiable.
Contact Ralph Blumenstock at 914-478-7114 or yeslek16@earthlink.net .
Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.
If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact secretary@northernstarquilters.com so the guild can send a card.
Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via our website, where we have set up a Donate link on our home page. See Make a Donation.
– Send Guild news updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to news@northernstarquilters.com.
– Guild by-laws, policies, board meeting minutes, and financial reports are available for review at the library table.
– Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook and Instagram – @northernstarquilters