Signups begin soon for the LAST LANCASTER TRIP! Check in with Patricia for the latest information and save the date!
Contact jamloquet@optonline.net.
Quilt Handler and Bus Coordinator positions on the Quilt Show Committee still need to be filled, please contact Julie Long or Narci Medina.
Interesting article – The Creative Art of Quilting – maybe motivation for making a quilt for this year’s show or to volunteer for our committee….
Contact quiltshow@northernstarquilters.com
If you didn’t get a chance to read the email on our Buddy Program, you can review it here.
So whether you’re a new or renewing member, if you would like a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild, contact Carol Sterk, crsterk@gmail.com.
Registration by November means you can still be included in the Membership Directory.
Registration is now even easier with online credit card registration or you can print and mail your check and registration. Click on your preferred member registration method:
Register Online by Credit Card
Register by Check and Mail
Any questions? Contact membership@northernstarquilters.com
Check in with Patricia at the meeting for your latest ‘Row by Row’ update!
Contact jamloquet@optonline.net.
2021 Quilt Show Raffle Quilt
Daisy Dodge is our 2021 raffle quilt coordinator. She is collecting quarter yard neutral fabric pieces – off-white, cream beige, tan, no greys – so drop off your donation at the admissions table.
Block kits will be available in November.
Contact charitable@northernstarquilters.com
Comfort Quilts

45 quilts donated to WMC Behavioral Health Childrens Unit, a Comfort Quilts recipient since 1997
Comfort Quilts will be displaying our summer project quilts, FQ=Fantastic Quilts, for our raffle this month. One (or more!) of these will be selected by the lucky winner(s). Bring $$$ and buy lots of tickets to increase your chances as well as the number of quilts to win!
– Contact news@northernstarquilters.com with your ad.
For Sale: BERNINA ARTISTA #180 SEWING MACHINE, computerized, programmable, plus attachments.
For Sale: BERNINA SERGER #2000 DCE plus attachments.
Price negotiable. Contact Gloria Verrone, 914-332-5918
If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact secretary@northernstarquilters.com so the guild can send a card.
– Send Guild news updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to news@northernstarquilters.com.
– Guild by-laws, policies, board meeting minutes, and financial reports are available for review at the library table.
– Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook and Instagram – @northernstarquilters