If you haven’t registered yet, sorry but you’ve missed the deadline for our $25 guild certificate drawing to be held at the meeting but prompt registration now means you can still be included in the Membership Directory.
Special thanks to those who did register before September 1st! And remember to pick up your new membership card at the meeting.
Registration is now even easier with online credit card registration or you can print and mail your check and registration. Click on your preferred member registration method:
Register Online by Credit Card
Register by Mail and Check
Any questions? Contact membership@northernstarquilters.com
Reminder: If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact secretary@northernstarquilters.com so the guild can send a card.
Annual Meeting Snack Schedule – by Members Last Name
2020 Quilt Show Raffle Quilt
At our September meeting, Pat Julian, our 2020 Raffle Quilt Coordinator will be giving us a first look at this year’s charity quilt, “Sunshine Stars Cabin” to be raffled off at our 2020 Quilt Show. Designed and coordinated by Pat, the quilt was pieced by NSQG members with donations from individual member stashes and longarm quilted by Angela Vertucci. The quilt is queen/king size (102″ x 102″) and composed of traditional Log Cabin Blocks set on point in a variety of blues, yellows and whites. Many thanks to Pat, Angela and all the other members that have donated their time and attention for this year’s raffle quilt. Tickets will be available for members to sell starting at our November guild meeting.
The raffle quilt charity recipient is the New Dawn Family Resource Center of Northern Westchester. New Dawn FRC provides and expands support for programs and services for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, elder abuse and human trafficking. The organization accomplishes this by providing a safe place where victims can receive coordinated and accessible free services, including individual counseling, advocacy, legal assistance, peer support and other holistic opportunities to heal. These services are provided in Northern Westchester, an area where victims of domestic violence have been underserved in the past.
2021 Quilt Show Raffle Quilt
Daisy Dodge is the 2021 raffle quilt coordinator. She presented the Board with a variety of pattern ideas to choose from for the raffle quilt, and the board approved one of patterns. Members will be getting further details shortly.
Contact charitable@northernstarquilters.com
Comfort Quilts

Happy 90th to Joyce
Comfort Quilts winter schedule at the North Salem Ambulance Corps has started. Comfort Quilts schedule and information is also available on our website. The projected dates for September thru May are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays except for switching to the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in January.
The projected dates are as follows:
2019 – Sep 4 and18, Oct 2 and 16, Nov 6 and 20, and Dec 4 and 18.
2020 – Jan 8 and 22, Feb 5 and 19, Mar 4 and 18, Apr 1 and 15, May 6 and 20.

13 Comfort Quilt to Maria Ferrari NICU
All Guild members, novices to experts, are invited to join Comfort Quilts. While making attractive quilts to donate to those needing comfort, you will have the opportunity to work alongside other quilters, get help and even inspiration.
To be assured of a workshop slot, sign up as soon as possible.
The September 24th program for Ann Holmes is fully booked but we are creating a waiting list in case there are any last minute cancellations.
The October 16th workshop with Wen Redmond is only half full so we are opening it up to non members. Anyone interested can contact programs@northernstarquilters.com. The member fee is $50.00 (non-member $70.00) plus the supply fee of $25.00 to be paid directly to Wen at the workshop.
I will be taking sign ups for the November Thread Painting workshop with Charlie Hietala.
Please bring a check or cash to pay for any workshops at the meeting and stop by the program table with any questions you might have.
Click on any info area for more details:
Speaker | Meeting | Program | Workshop | Description |
Ann Holmes | Sept 24, 2019 | Double Happy | Sept 25, 2019 | No Sew Until You Quilt |
Wen Redmond | Oct 15, 2019 | Digital Design | Oct 16, 2019 | Holographic Memories |
Charlie Hietala | Nov 19, 2019 | Creative Muscle | Nov 20, 2019 | Thread Painting |
Sheri Cifaldi-Morill | Dec 17, 2019 | Content,Concepts&Quilts | None | None |
Winter Program | Jan 21, 2020 | Ugly Fabric Auction | None | None |
Saturday Event | — | Super Saturday | Feb 15, 2020 | Member Classes |
Winter Program | Feb 18, 2020 | Member Demos | None | None |
Timna Tarr | Mar 17, 2020 | Design with Flying Colors | Mar 18, 2020 | Map Making with Fabric |
Cindy Griselda | Apr 21, 2020 | Playing with Colors | April 22, 2020 | Improv Puzzle Block |
TBD | May 19, 2020 | TBD | May 20, 2020 | TBD |
Salad Supper | Jun 16, 2020 | Bring a Dish | None | None |
Contact programs@northernstarquilters.com
The library inventory shows 36 items unreturned so please double check your books and magazines against this missing books list for any items that may have gotten mixed in and return them at the September meeting. Thank you.
Contact library@northernstarquilters.com
Mark your calendar for next year, May 2-3, 2020!
A few 2020 Quilt Show committee positions need to be filled, please contact Julie Long or Narci Medina at quiltshow@northernstarquilters.com
Contact quiltshow@northernstarquilters.com
Contact education@northernstarquilters.com
Be sure not to miss our new group quilting activity for this year – ‘Row by Row’!
Sign up now! Contact jamloquet@optonline.net.
The Special Events Chair is an appointed Board Member supervising the Boutiques, Challenge, Super Saturday and Trip Events.
- Attend monthly Board meetings and report on the status of the Special Events Committees.
- Appoint and monitor Event Coordinators to organize the Boutique(s), Challenge, Super Saturday and Trip(s) for the coming year. NOTE: These activities (except Boutique) currently have volunteers coordinating them so it’s a super simple job.
- Ensure timely appropriate information is submitted for the Newsletter and for website updates.
- Submit expense reports and provide procedural documentation for the next Chair.
Contact president@northernstarquilters.com.
If you haven’t started already, check out the guidelines and participate in this year’s Quilt Challenge – 2020 What’s Your Vision?
– Contact news@northernstarquilters.com with your ad.
For Sale: Sewing Machine Donated to the Guild – Lily 550 Viking Husqvarna with case and accessories.
Donated to and proceeds benefit NSQG, works well, $1,500 retail when new. Price: $200 or best offer. Contact news@northernstarquilters.com if interested.
If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact secretary@northernstarquilters.com so the guild can send a card.
– Send guild news updates, quilt activities and photos to news@northernstarquilters.com.
– Guild by-laws, policies, board meeting minutes, and financial reports are available for review at the library table.
– Follow NSQG and Share our activities on Facebook and Instagram – @northernstarquilters