Many Thanks To Outgoing President Susan Fasnacht!

Presentation Speech by Joyce Sullivan

Friendship Star Quilt-Blocks by NSQG Members
Ongoing Beginner Sewing Classes at Comfort Quilts, starting July 10 , free for members, contact Rosemary or Diane
Register for next year! **Member Registration Form**

Charity Check Presentation to Dulce Esperanza
Kudos to all the NSQG members who returned their raffle tickets and to Carolyn Langevin, the sponsor of Dulce Esperanza, our 2019 Charity. Kathy Brieger was delightfully surprised to receive the $3,925.00 donation for her organization at the Salad Supper.
All done! Thanks to all who helped!
Coordinated by Pat Julian, pieced by NSQG members, and quilted by Angela Vertucci, proceeds to benefit New Dawn Family Resource Center.
View our Speakers and Workshops – to be assured of a workshop slot, sign up as soon as possible.
Start a piece for this year’s Quilt Challenge – 2020 What’s Your Vision?
The Special Events Chair is an appointed Board Member supervising the Boutiques, Challenge, Super Saturday and Trip Events.
- Attend monthly Board meetings and report on the status of the Special Events Committees.
- Appoint and monitor Event Coordinators to organize the Boutique(s), Challenge, Super Saturday and Trip(s) for the coming year. NOTE: These activities (except Boutique) currently have volunteers coordinating them so it’s a super simple job.
- Ensure timely appropriate information is submitted for the Newsletter and for website updates.
- Submit expense reports and provide procedural documentation for the next Chair.
– Contact with your ad.
For Sale: HandiQuilter Avante with 12 foot frame for sale. Gently used machine in excellent condition. Cleaned and serviced within the last year. Many accessories included. Price: $5700.
If interested, please contact or 914-725-2350.
For Sale: Sewing Machine – Lily 550 Viking Husqvarna with case and accessories.
Donated to and proceeds benefit NSQG, works well, $1,500 retail when new. Price: $200 or best offer ***
Contact for further info.
Inventory is conducted over the summer, we’ll be updating our library list!
Mark your calendar for next year, May 2-3, 2020!
Click to Revisit some of this year’s beautiful quilts.
– Click on any of the main headings above for the related NSQG webpage.
– Send guild news updates, quilt activities and photos to
– Guild by-laws, policies, board meeting minutes, and financial reports are available for review at the library table.
– Follow NSQG on Facebook and Instagram – @northernstarquilters