We need everyone to register their quilts as soon as possible to allow us to get a headstart on planning and layout of the show.
Click to REGISTER!
Remember your quilt does not need to be finished in order to register it; and also, if you plan to register more than one – you need not register them all at the same time. Please register the quilts that are done and ready and you can always add more Quilts later. This helps manage the workload of the Registrar.

Super Saturday Fabric Bowls taught by Mary Cannizzaro
—Thank you to all who shared their time and talents at the February meeting. The Demo Classes were interesting and informative.
Linda Finegan, education@northernstarquilters.com
Judging for the Ruby Challenge will happen at the March meeting.
Jennifer Kramer, specialevents@northernstarquilters.com
Contact programs@northernstarquilters.com
Snack Schedule – Member Last Names N, O, P, Q
Contact hospitality@northernstarquilters.com
When you sign in at the membership table please be sure to ask for the new members directory if you haven’t already done so.
Contact Rosemary DePaola, membership@northernstarquilters.com
Contact Narci Medina, library@northernstarquilters.com
One member posting per year for quilt related offerings.
Contact news@northernstarquilters.com with your ad.
– Click on any of the main newsletter headings for the related webpage.
– Send guild news updates, quilt activities and photos to news@northernstarquilters.com.
– Board meeting minutes are available for review at the library table.
– Follow NSQG on Facebook and Instagram – @northernstarquilters