“Stitched Collage”
6hrs – online
Students will be challenged to experiment and try new fabrics and stitch techniques while creating a collage expressing symbolic self-representation drawing from memory, experience, and/or hopes for the future. This workshop will include quick writing exercises to prompt self-reflection, a brief period of investigation, interactive visual brainstorming, individual studio time to create, and a group ‘show and tell’ gathering to conclude the day. Merill will provide a demonstration of collage techniques, expressive stitch, and creative use of repurposed fabrics. Concepts of two-dimensional design will be reviewed and incorporated throughout the day.  This workshop is designed with an understanding that access to materials outside the home may be limited. Suggested project size is approximately 12×12 inches.  A tools/materials list and a short preparatory ‘homework’ assignment will be provided with registration confirmation.

 The cost of a workshop is $50.00, non-members are welcome (based on availability) for a fee of $70.

Please be sure your membership is up-to-date (you can renew here) before registering as a member for a workshop.

To signup and pay via credit card: click here.
To signup and pay by check:  email with your workshop choice and mail your check (payable to Northern Star Quilters’ Guild): 
Linda Stern, 26 Lake Drive, Somers, NY 10589

Class confirmation and supply list will be emailed when payment is received.

Questions can be sent to

Materials List for Students

  1. Preparation for introductions: you will introduce yourself to the group by presenting one patterned fabric and one solid color fabric that you feel symbolize you and tell us why you chose these fabrics.
  2. Fabrics for project:
  • bring lot of snippets of fabric that may vary from small (2” scrap) to largest being quarter of a yard
  • select a range of colors and patterns, try to include variety
  • include a bit of every color in the rainbow and a bit of black and white
  • some fabric should be salvaged from discarded clothing or linens (if possible) and try and include fabrics that hold meaning and/or memory for you
  • one piece of fabric should be 12×12 square, this will be the base for your project
  • if possible, include some sheer fabrics: organza, lace, cheese cloth
  1. Tools:
  • scissors
  • pins (straight or safety – your preference)
  • needles
  • thread – you may use sewing thread and/or embroidery thread
  • thimble and hoop (optional)
  • adhesive such as tacky glue or fabric glue (optional)
  1. Please have paper and writing utensil for short exercise

Member Notices:

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via our website, where we have set up a Donate box on our home page, click on Make a Donation.

Guild policies are available for member review at the library table or by request to the

– Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

– Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

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