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QUILT DROP-OFF Requirements:

No Quilts Will Be Accepted After Drop-Off Day
Please Plan Accordingly

– If your exact (to the inch) quilt measurements have changed since registration or you will not be able to submit your quilt after all, please let us know as soon as possible to help our display process run as smoothly as possible.

– A week or so prior to Drop-off, you will receive your quilt number label(s) for your quilt(s) along with relevant drop-off information in the mail.

–  Prior to Drop-Off, all quilts must have a temporary name and address label, covered by the assigned quilt number label sewn on the lower right hand corner (as viewed from the back), a hanging sleeve sewn on, and any other personal identification temporarily covered with a sewn on patch (no tape or pins).

– All quilts MUST be able to be folded while with NSQG, except for very small ones. (NOTE-if any quilt is determined at Drop-off to exceed our transport abilities, special arrangements may need to be made in order to accept the quilt).

– Quilts must be clean and in excellent show-ready condition. Pet hair, smoke, or strong odors that might be transferred to someone else’s quilt will disqualify an entry.

Quilts will be inspected at Quilt Drop-Off and will not be accepted if they do not meet these requirements.

A Quilt Claim Card, required to reclaim your quilt, will be given to you when your quilt is accepted.

If you are not able to bring your quilt to the scheduled Drop-off, please make arrangements with another guild member to do it for you or contact the Drop-off Coordinator beforehand!

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