Meeting & Lecture – Linda Pearl

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Business meeting generally starts at 6pm, arrive earlier for sign-in, refreshments and socializing, with any lecture generally at 7pm.
Guests are always welcome, there is a guest fee, $10, which can be credited toward membership – click HERE for more information.

Our Hospitality team provides coffee and tea along with some cookies at guild meetings.
Please bring your own mug or water bottle.
Member contributions of home-baked treats or other simple snacks are always welcome!

  • * Challenge Quilt Display and Voting

  • Lecture


Your Capsule Stash

Take another look at your creative sewing space, and make sure you have just the right mixture of things in it.  Have you made room for your ugly fabric?  Yes, you should, and this lecture will give you several reasons why you need it.  If you feel as if you have too much fabric, and yet nothing to work with–this lecture will give you specific strategies and techniques to use before heading to the quilt shop.  More importantly, it will give you strategies to know when something is a great buy.  You CAN still buy fabric, but this will allow you to be strategic–and have more fun in the process!

To learn more about Linda visit One Quilting Circle

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