Monthly Newsletter
President’s Message
Happy New Year!!! The hub-bub of the holidays is behind us and a brand new year is ahead just waiting for us to plan meaningful adventures and do good things. A clean slate, so to speak. At the suggestion of my BFF it has been our practice each January 1st to make a list of Quilting Goals we hope to accomplish in the coming year. There are things we MUST do, things we should do and things we would like to do. A third BFF is part of this endeavor and we exchange our lists. Mine hangs on a small bulletin board in my sewing area. As we complete items we check them off and notify our buddies. At year’s end we exchange a complete check list and add the things we have done that weren’t on the list. Impressive! I save my lists. It is a great record of what I have done, and not done, over the years. I can’t take credit for this excellent idea but I can pass it on to you with the suggestion that it really does spur you on to get busy when a lull sets in. It is sometimes surprising to see what you accomplished through the year, and over several years. On the other hand, there are items that never get off the list and some are marked “tossed” instead of checked. Think about doing something like this with a friend or two to keep yourselves focused for the year.
Last year my goals suffered some because I “had other fish to fry.” It was a busy year for the Guild with a lot of unexpected problem solving involved. I thank my Board for stepping up to the plate each time and coming up with a solution, and to the people who filled in when needed. This Guild is the BEST! Our December meeting was one of those unexpected problems occurring at the last minute. “Can’t use the cafeteria space.” However, everyone worked together and it was a great meeting. Maybe it is good for us to shake things up a bit. Meg Cox had so much interesting information in her lecture. There is some follow up material that Meg left for us. Judy will work with Maria to get it to you through the website. And what a fantastic new website it is! Maria, the hard work is well worth it! We appreciate every effort. Members, take time to explore it and get used to going there for up to date NSQG information.
The special raffle baskets were a beautiful surprise. Thank you Hospitality committee! The holiday refreshment tables were overflowing with delicious goodies. Thank you everyone!
Joyce Sullivan, President