President’s Message

Monthly Newsletter

1 Apr, 2018

President’s Message

2018-04-01T11:37:19-04:00President's Message|

Normally I would be reporting on a full slate of officers nominated for next year’s Board; however this year the Nominating Committee has been unable to find someone to take on the position of President.  The Committee spoke to nearly 50 members looking for volunteers to fill four open, elected Board positions – President, Quilt Show Chair, Membership, and Education.  We were successful in finding someone for only three of those four offices.

This has caused great concern for me.  Volunteerism is an important factor in our guild’s operation.  It is what makes our annual quilt show so successful and is vital in carrying out our ongoing activities.  It is unfair to expect the same people to step forward to serve on the Board; it should be spread among as many members as possible.

I have had people say to me, “why don’t you just stay on another year?”  While flattered to be asked, it is not something I should be doing.  First of all, our By-laws have specific restrictions as to how many consecutive years a person can hold a position on the Board; this prohibits me from serving a third year as President.  Additionally, I have served on the Board the past 5 years; one as Membership, two as Quilt Show and two as President, and  I will still have another year or two to serve as Ex-Officio President.  While I did not find the jobs to overly time consuming, they did impact my life.  For the past four years in particular, I have had to juggle personal activities around Guild Board and Membership meetings, as well as other events.  I am looking forward to getting that flexibility back in my life.

To address the apprehensions that a job may be too much for a single person, we have used co-chairs for several positions – Quilt Show and Hospitality for example.  While it has not been done with the President’s position, having co-Presidents is something the Board would consider.  Since we need to have a President, at our April Board meeting we will discuss our options for filling the position, even if it is on a temporary basis.

I am once again asking all members to consider becoming President.  You can do this as an individual or you could team up with another member and create a co-Presidency.  You don’t need to have Board experience.  The Guild has detailed policies and job descriptions to guide you.  Additionally, I will be on the Board as Ex-Officio President to help and you also appoint an Assistant to the President to help with tasks.

Please seriously consider helping us in filling the slate of offices for the 2018-2019 year.
Susan Fasnacht,


Annual Meeting – Election of Board Members and By-Laws Amendment

The Annual Meeting for the Northern Star Quilters’ Guild will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at Kennedy Catholic High School.  At this meeting we will be voting on Officers for 2018-2019 and an amendment to our by-laws.  The specifics of the proposed by-laws’ amendment were sent to all members via the US Postal Service, as well as by email.  The proposed slate of officers follows.

The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the Slate of Officers for 2018-2019. The nominees will be introduced at the April Guild Meeting and voting will take place at the May Annual Meeting.

NSQG 2018-2019 Ballot
President – To Be Determined
VP Quilt Show – Daisy Dodge and Debby Warren (co-VPs)
VP Membership – Rosemary DePaola
VP Education – Linda Finegan

Returning for a 2nd year in their current positions:
Treasurer – Annette Nash-Govan
Secretary – Anne Chehebar
VP Communications – Julie Long
VP Programs – Helen May

Thank you to the nominating committee, Dee Ploufee, Julie Long, Anne Chehebar and Susan Fasnacht, for their work on putting together the slate of candidates.  I also thank the candidates for agreeing to share their talents with the Guild.


1 Mar, 2018

President’s Message

2018-03-01T18:14:09-05:00President's Message|

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Super Saturday so successful. Pooa Bloomberg did a great job organizing the day.  I also want to thank the members who taught the classes – everyone I have spoken to enjoyed their class.  A final thanks to our Hospitality Chairs, Micky Green and Christine Langan for arranging for the food that day. It seems like we have found a home for Super Saturday at the Yorktown Presbyterian Church.  If you participated in a class, bring your work to March for our Show and Tell that meeting.

Once again we had another fun evening at our February meeting with the Ugly Fabric Auction.  A special thanks to our auctioneers, Sandy Bright and Carolyn Lewis, for doing such a good job.  Our sales exceeded last year’s auction!

We also saw all the wonderful Challenge Quilts at the February meeting.  It is always interesting to see how people interpreted the theme.  Thank you to Carla Wdowski for organizing the Challenge and to everyone who submitted a quilt.

Don’t forget to register your quilt for the World of Quilts XXXVIII.  Registration will be open until the end of the month.

Susan Fasnacht, President

1 Feb, 2018

President’s Message

2018-02-06T15:19:06-05:00President's Message|

There are a number of things happening this month, so make sure you read through all of the articles in this month’s newsletter for the details.  You can still sign up for a Super Saturday class, it’s a fun day and a great bargain.  There is also room on the Lancaster trip, lots of quilts to see and shopping to do.  We have exciting speakers and workshops coming in March and April – sign up for a workshop.  Don’t forget quilt registration is open.  Register your quilt early.

Our February meeting will also be busy.  This year’s Challenge quilts – Quilts Inspired by Doors – will be on display.  Come and vote for your favorite quilt.  Also, back by popular demand we will be holding the Ugly Fabric Auction.  If you missed last year’s event, make sure you come this year, it was lots of fun.  Don’t forget to bring your dollars!

Finally, I just returned from the Bahamas, and I was excited to see as we drove into town that the local guild, Stepping Stone Quilt Guild, was holding their quilt show.  Naturally, I had to add it to my things to do.  It was fun to see what people do in other parts of the world.  Their quilts were very nice and often reflected a Caribbean theme.  I was particularly amused by their guild challenge, quilting a cover for a 5 gallon water jug.
Susan Fasnacht, 

1 Jan, 2018

President’s Message

2018-01-20T17:39:42-05:00President's Message|

Happy New Year to all!  This weather sure is conducive to cuddling up under a nice warm quilt or staying inside to sew.  Quilt registration for a World of Quilts XXXIX opens in just a few weeks and I hope you have been busy working on your entries.  Don’t forget, your quilt does not have to be finished to register it – it only needs to be done by quilt drop off on April 28.  Also you don’t have to register all of your quilts at one time.  So, please if you have a quilt that is ready to be register, do it sooner than later.  It would be a big help to the Registrar to get the entries in early.  She only has about a week after registration closes to get the final list together so she can mail out quilt numbers.  By registering early she can check your entry immediately and avoid having to process so many quilts at the end.

We will be starting the nominating process for the 2018-2019 Board.  Click  here to find the list of positions with brief descriptions. Being on the Board is quite rewarding.  It is a good way to give back to the Guild, meet members, and see what the Guild does.  I encourage you to consider serving.

If you are interested in serving on the Board or would like more information about any position, let me know.

Susan Fasnacht, President

1 Dec, 2017

President’s Message

2018-01-28T09:32:37-05:00President's Message|

It seems as if the cold weather is finally here.  The good news about that is, we now have a good reason to stay inside and quilt.  Don’t forget, the challenge quilts are due at our January meeting and quilt registration for the World of Quilts XXXIX show starts in January as well.

Thank you to everyone who brought food items in November to donate to the local food pantries.  If you missed the opportunity to bring an item, you can always contact your local food pantry directly to make a donation.  I recently attended a presentation by a representative of the Food Bank for Westchester and she stated that one in every five Westchester residents are in need of food assistance, so your donations are greatly appreciated.

For the past two years the Guild has donated a Comfort Quilt to Kennedy Catholic to include in their November live auction fund raiser.  The donation is made in the name of Sister Barbara as a replacement for the doll wardrobes she made for the event.  I am pleased to report that this year’s donation was auctioned off for $240.

I want to bring up something about the “free” table at the meetings.  Please be aware that any items that are not taken by members get tossed out.  I have noticed that the amount of fabric, patterns, magazines, etc. has been growing and sometimes I almost fill a garbage can with the rejects.  Please look at what you are bringing.  Try to limit it to materials used for quilting that are truly usable.  We can’t expect to have Kennedy Catholic to take care of disposing of our trash.

I wish everyone a wonderful and happy holiday season.

Susan Fasnacht,

1 Nov, 2017

President’s Message

2017-11-01T16:50:31-04:00President's Message|

An early Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  Remember because of Thanksgiving, our meeting will be held a week earlier than normal on November 14.  We will have our own Debbie Bein speaking to us that evening and holding the workshop the following day.  For those of you at the October lecture, I expect that the audio will be working better – it turns out the mic had fallen off the stage earlier in the evening which caused it to malfunction.  It should be fixed for November.

We will be holding a modified Holiday Boutique prior to the meeting.  We had only a couple of members sign up to sell items plus the Comfort Quilt tables.  Rather than cancel the entire boutique, we will hold a scaled down version in the hallway next to the auditorium doors (not in the lobby).  “Doors” will open at 6:00.

I had mentioned in the October meeting reminders that the doors to the lobby will be open for those of you who would like to avoid having to walk up the long ramp to the cafeteria. Although I was told a few days before the meeting that would be the case, when I arrived they were locked.  I asked bm liaison about it and he said that they cannot leave the doors unlocked, but people can use them if someone lets them in.  I will look into this more, but for now, if you do want to use that entrance plan on having to call someone who is already at the school to let you in.

I am still looking for a new Special Events Chairperson.  Susan Deshensky has found that with getting her teaching business going along with her other activities, she needed to step down from the Board.  We wish her good luck with her new endeavor.  The Special Events position is not overly time consuming.  You are responsible for overseeing the Boutiques (Nov. and May), the Guild Challenge, Lancaster Trip, and Super Saturday.  Each of these activities has a person running them and doing the detailed coordination.  The Special Events Chairperson needs to act as their liaison to the Board and oversee what they are doing to make sure things are getting done.  If you are looking for a way to become a little more active in the Guild, it is a good opportunity to do so.  You’ll find you learn more about what we do and it is a great way to meet other members.

The Quilt Show Committee received some great news this past month.  The Dutch collection of the new Cherrywood Fabrics Van Gough exhibit will be displayed at our show in May!  The Cherrywood exhibits are present in most of the national and regional shows, so it is fantastic that we will have the works at our quilt show. Congratulations to Chris and Noreen for procuring this exhibit.

Susan Fasnacht,

1 Oct, 2017

President’s Message

2017-10-11T16:35:07-04:00President's Message|

It was great being back last month.  I was happy to see that we have a number of new members – welcome and enjoy all the guild has to offer.  You will find that our members are a great resource for helping you with any quilting questions you may have.  And, if you need any information on the guild, please feel free to contact me.

To those who stayed for September’s lecture, I hope you found it as interesting as I did.  I also realize that there were a few glitches in the auditorium set up – I have spoken to the school as to what to do and expect to have them rectified for next month.   We are still working our way through coordinating with Kennedy Catholic on how we run our meetings without the help of Sister Barbara – we do miss her.  Also, if anyone left a white sweater behind, I have it and will bring it to the October meeting.

Thank you to everyone who made pillow cases to send to hurricane victims.  If you still would like to make one, we will be posting an address to send them to. The ones we collected have been mailed out and we will not be doing another mailing.  Word is the areas affected by the three hurricanes are not looking for quilts, there are other basic essential items they need first, so we will not be collecting quilts in the foreseeable future.

I hope to see you in October.  Susan Fasnacht,


1 Sep, 2017

President’s Message

2017-09-01T17:36:13-04:00President's Message|

It’s hard to believe the summer is over, but I’m looking forward to the start of a new year at NSQG.  September seems to be a problem month for us.  First, as I hope you have heard, our meeting will take place a week later than normal on September 26.  Kennedy Catholic seems to have settled on the third Tuesday of September for their Back to School Night – the same evening as our usual meeting date. Because of this, in the future we will plan on holding the September meeting either the second or fourth Tuesday of the month (fourth Tuesday in 2018).

Our second last minute change was the need to find a new speaker.  Unfortunately, our scheduled speaker has some health issues and had to cancel just a little over a week ago.  Helen May, our Program Chair, was able to quickly find a substitute for both the lecture and the workshop.  Our speaker will be Joan Radell, talking about handbags with a workshop the next day where you can make your own bag.  Read more about it in the Programs section of this news update.  I hope you will consider taking the workshop.

Overall, the year looks very exciting.  We have a great line up of speakers and workshops.  There are lots of activities – you can participate in our Guild Challenge, go on the trip to Lancaster, take a class on Super Saturday, join a SIG, or make a Comfort Quilt. Due to popular demand, we plan on bringing back the Ugly Fabric Auction in February.  Finally we will be holding “A World of Quilts XXXIX”, on May 5 and 6 with featured speaker Victoria Findlay Wolfe.

I hope to see you on the 26th and don’t forget to bring you summer projects for Show and Tell!

Susan Fasnacht, President

10 Aug, 2017

President’s Message

2017-08-23T15:51:17-04:00President's Message|

I hope everyone is enjoying your summer and has been able to get lots of sewing done.  Once again we need to change our September meeting date; Kennedy Catholic has scheduled the Freshman Parents’ Orientation for the third Tuesday of the month (even though we were already on their calendar).  Our September membership meeting will be on September 26 – the fourth Tuesday.  I think that from now on we will have to plan on holding the September meeting either the second or fourth Tuesday of the month.

The rest of the calendar is set with the school and officially confirmed.  Except for the November meeting, they will be held on the third Tuesday of the month.  November’s meeting will be on November 14 so as to avoid Thanksgiving week.  The dates are on the website, but here is a list so you can mark your calendars: 9/26, 10/17, 11/14, 12/19, 1/16, 2/20, 3/20, 4/17, 5/15 and 6/19.

We are looking forward to a great year.  We have included information in this mid-summer update that you should be aware of before our meetings begin next month.  A more extensive news update will be sent soon after the first of September.

I look forward to seeing everyone and hearing about what you have been working on over the summer.

Susan Fasnacht, President

1 Jun, 2017

President’s Message

2017-07-21T16:30:06-04:00President's Message|

It is time once again for our summer break. We will be ending this year with our traditional Salad Supper at the June meeting.  I hope that many of you can attend.  It has been a wonderful year – we’ve had great speakers and workshops, enjoyed a new venue for Super Saturday, visited Lancaster, quilted for our Challenge, and held another successful quilt show.

I want to thank guild members for their help and support throughout the year.  Without the volunteers who are on the Board, run a program, or help at the show, our guild would not be able to do as much as it does.  Your help makes my job easier.

Enjoy your summer – do lots of quilting.  There are many opportunities.  Our 2018 guild challenge will be announced during the summer – you can get started on that.  You can join us at Comfort Quilts any Wednesday, at the B’nai Yisrael Temple in Armonk.  Also it is only seven months until quilt registration opens for “A World of Quilts XXXIX”, we would love to display your quilt at our show.  And of course, you can just work on a project of your own.

Have a safe and happy summer.  I look forward to seeing you in September.

Susan Fasnacht, President

1 May, 2017

President’s Message

2017-05-03T20:33:03-04:00President's Message|

I just got back from quilt drop-off and all I can say is – WOW!  The quilts are spectacular; it’s going to be a fantastic show this weekend.  Make sure you encourage your friends and family to come and see the quilts, they will be impressed at what our guild can do.

Our May 16 meeting is the Guild’s Annual Meeting and it will be a busy one.  We will be voting on the Elected Officers for the 2017-2018 Board of Directors.  You can read the bios to find out more about the candidates by clicking here.  In addition to the vote for the Officers we will also be voting on what charity will be the recipient of the proceeds from the 2018 raffle quilt.  Information on the three charities will be sent to you as we get closer to the meeting.  Finally, we will be drawing the tickets for the winner of this year’s raffle quilt and the Bernina sewing machine.

One final reminder, Comfort Quilts will be meeting on May 10 and 24 this month – not the normal first and third Wednesday of the month.

Hope to see you this weekend.

Susan Fasnacht, President

1 Apr, 2017

President’s Message

2017-04-01T22:07:11-04:00President's Message|

Once again I am starting my message with an important reminder – the April meeting is to be held on April 25. This is one week later that when we normally would meet since the school is closed for spring break the previous week.

If you have not registered a quilt yet or have another one that you could enter, please do so.  Registration has been extended until April 7 and we could use a few more quilts.  The diversity and number of quilts we have on display at our show are what help make our show so fantastic.  Don’t forget also to sign up for volunteering at the show.  Although we ask that all members volunteer for at least two hours, you don’t need to limit yourself to that.  Did you know that if you volunteer for four hours, you will be able to attend the show for free on both Saturday and Sunday.

The Guild’s Annual Meeting is scheduled to take place during our May 16 membership meeting.  We will be voting on the Board Members for 2017-2018.  See the proposed slate in the Annual Meeting announcement below.

Annual Meeting – Election of Board Members

The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the Slate of Officers for 2017-2018. The nominees will be introduced at the April Guild Meeting and voting will take place at the May Meeting.

NSQG 2017-2018 Ballot

President – Susan Fasnacht
Treasurer – Annette Nash-Govan
Secretary – Anne Chehebar
VP Communications – Julie Long
VP Programs – Helen May

Returning for a 2nd year in their current positions:

VP Quilt Show – Noreen Lippolis and Chris Roche (co VPs)
VP Membership – Jennifer Kramer
VP Education – Donna Chambers

Thanks to the nominating committee, Dee Ploufee, Rona Spar, Helen May and Chair Karen Carlson for giving the Guild a wonderful slate of candidates. And thanks to the candidates for agreeing to share their talents with the Guild.

Susan Fasnacht, President

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