Monthly Newsletter
President’s Message – 10/21
Hi fellow quilters!
What a wonderful start of a “new year!” It was so good to see so many smiling faces and hear your enthusiasm for our programs. While there have been a few bumps in the road, we all have kept a positive attitude and a “can do” approach and that seems to be paying off. It looks like we’ll be back to having an in person Quilt Show in May (actually 4/29-5/1) and we’re working on our in-person meetings.
Wasn’t our speaker, Giucy Giuce, fun and informative?! We look forward to hearing from those who took his workshop and seeing your work. Hopefully you’ll post photos on Facebook and Instagram (with lots of hashtags! — the more #’s the greater the audience).
Speaking of Social Media, we’re looking for someone willing to be our Social Media “expert.” It simply requires posting members’ photos onto the two guild sites. The more exposure we have the more interest we’ll attract. If you’re interested, contact Jody Sullivan or Karen Carlson for access information.
We hope to see a lot of you at our Fall Social (10/9 [rain date 10/16]) at North Salem Ambulance Corps. There will be an opportunity to view and bid on Comfort Quilts’ Summer Project Quilts, buy pins and boutique quilt kits and bags of books, renew your membership and have your photograph taken for the directory if you haven’t already, and get advice at “The Doctor is In” consulting table. And most importantly, you’ll be able to visit with each other in person!
Here’s to a continued year of happy quilting.
Margaret and Jody