Monthly Newsletter
President’s Message
Those of us who were able to attend the Spring Fling last Saturday, had a real treat. The weather stayed fine and even the gusty winds could not sweep away our good spirits and pleasure at seeing quilting friends again. We heard about weddings planned, grandchildren visited, vacations booked —all signs that the spring is bringing new freedom into our lives. We also got to see evidence of how our quilting has taken us through some difficult winter months to reach this point, with beautiful quilt displays from the online SIGs and other Guild members. Thank you to all the volunteers — who set up, manned tables, dispensed quilting advice and handed out goodies — to make this event such fun, and to all of you who came and shared your work and your stories.
This month is the Annual Meeting, and we will be voting on the slate of nominees who have generously stepped forward to serve on the Board and lead the Guild over the next year. Their names and bios are in the Newsletter and we hope that you will come to the business meeting and take part in the voting.
The speaker at the May meeting will be Lisa Walton, all the way from Sydney, Australia! Her lecture is “Traveling Textile Inspiration,” and she will be taking us on a world tour to show us where she has found inspiration in creating her beautiful textile art.
Pop-up Zoom Tutorials this month are about making an NSQG Fabric Name Badge by Karen Carlson on May7th and ideas for making Quilt Label by Linda Stern on May 28th.
We hope that you are all enjoying watching things come into bloom and are looking forward to seeing you at the May meeting.
Best, Karen and Anne
May 2021