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2 Jan, 2021

President’s Message

2021-01-04T08:38:35-05:00President's Message|

Happy New Year!

As we move into 2021, we have a variety of fun opportunities to look forward to, so be sure to check out the details in the newsletter’s Latest News sections or on our website.

Several members have stepped forward to offer different pop-up tutorials, starting in January.  Thank you to Roni Gerhardt who will demonstrate how to make a reusable bowl cover on January 8th and to Meg Mooar who will be teaching Boro stitching on January 22nd.

Bethanne Nemesh’s Creative Textures workshop is January 16th, already filled up.  We have an extra workshop scheduled for Saturday January 30th by our own Mary Cannizzaro who will be teaching from her book, Beyond the Tee, with techniques and ideas for fashioning fabulous T-shirt quilts.

Our programs chair, Linda Stern, has other pop-up offerings waiting in the wings, so keep an eye out for the emails.

New online SIG’s are being offered, providing more opportunities to get together with other Guild members and made possible by members generously volunteering to share their expertise.  We are so grateful to the hosts who will be organizing them.  There should be something in the list to match every member’s interest.

The nominating committee is making great strides in filling the elected positions for 2021-2022 but we still have one or two Board positions looking for nominees.  We are waiting until we have the full roster before we make any announcements, but we thank those members who have answered the call (you know who you are!).  As we start the New Year, we hope that you will consider serving on the Guild Board.  Organizations flourish with new perspectives and creative energy and we know there is plenty of both out there!  The Board’s meetings over Zoom have worked so well that meetings may continue over Zoom, particularly in the dark, winter months.  This would make serving on the Board more feasible for those of you who have a long ride or concerns about nighttime driving.

For January’s winter program, April Russell has arranged for demonstrations by Cathy Anderson and her daughter Sarah from the Quilt Basket and by Debby Brown, an award-winning quilter and teacher.  And don’t forget to work on your Challenge quilts.

Congratulations to the Comfort Quilts group that has donated a record 429 quilts to hospitals and social services organizations since July 2020.  You can find a link to a detailed list of donations in the Charitable Activities section along with the information to return (or get more)  charity raffle tickets from Dee Plouffe.

Don’t forget to check out our website from time to time.  In addition to showing what is on our calendar there are links to exhibitions where our members have work displayed and other online events to enjoy.  Carol Auer has shared an interesting article about the way the pandemic has inspired the rediscovery of the practical arts such as sewing. Check it out!

Keep your photos coming.  What have you just completed?  What is on your wall?

Stay healthy and happy (quilting!)
Karen and Anne
January 2021


1 Jan, 2021

Latest News – 01/21

2021-04-11T17:11:11-04:00Latest News|

Member Notices:

Area Quilt Shows

Area Quilt Related Shops

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via our website, where we have set up a Donate box on our home page, click on Make a Donation.

Guild policies are available for member review at the library table or by request to the

– Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

– Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

1 Dec, 2020

President’s Message

2020-12-05T19:40:05-05:00President's Message|

We hope that you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving dinners and are looking forward to celebrating the winter holidays and the end of 2020.

December is the month of giving and the Guild offers many opportunities.

Hopefully you were part of the 45-50 members who were able to attend our special Friday afternoon workshop with Adele Scott teaching simple string piecing and came away with lots of ideas.   The holiday “Happy Hour” afterwards split into groups of 5-6 several times over and offered members a chance to chat about holiday sewing, gifts, and plans.  One popular gift idea was a ‘Soup Cozy’;  we plan to offer a short ‘pop-up’ zoom tutorial on how to make them, possibly this coming Wednesday, December 9th – stay tuned for email details.

Kennedy Catholic will host their Holiday Auction online this year, we’ll be sending an email so you can see the quilts we donated and maybe pick up some gifts of your own.

Is the Guild on your holiday list?  See Susan’s update  about member gifts to the ArtsWestchester matching donation program.  Remember, any donations to the Guild are always welcome! You can make a donation HERE.

Another way to support the Guild is by giving your time and talent.  This might involve taking on a Board position or hosting an online SIG or volunteering for various subcommittees.

During the next few months, we will be looking for members willing to take on the positions of President, Vice President Communications, Vice President Quilt Show, Secretary, and Treasurer for the next guild year, July 2021 thru June 2022.  The nominating committee will be meeting shortly and making calls.  Please consider serving on the Board or talking to a friend about working with you.  Taking part in discussions and decisions to keep the Guild alive and relevant to us all as members of a quilting community is rewarding and challenging (in a good way!).

In addition, the feedback we have received tells us that there is a real interest in forming small groups which allow the chance to socialize.  One or two of our SIGs have been getting together very successfully online and we are looking at expanding that model to provide opportunities for members to meet around an area of specific interest – applique, traditional piecing, hand quilting – or simply to sit and sew or discuss a regular challenge with a follow-up show and tell.  We can provide help with the zoom access, together with tips and support from experienced members.   Please let us know if there is a particular group you would like to see take off and that you would be willing to host.

Everyone should have received the Member Directory in pdf form that you can keep on your computer or print out.  This year, for the first time, the directory contains photos of members who wanted their picture included and it really helps to put a face to a name.  See Carol’s update further on about obtaining your hard copy. A big thank you to Carol Sterk, Rosemary DePaola and Joanne Visovksy who did such a wonderful job of pulling the Directory together.

After the December Guild meeting, the lecture will be given by Bethanne Nemesh.  The title of her presentation is “Walk the Creative Path,” and she will be describing her journey from traditional quilting to her beautiful pictographic silk art quilts, with tips and creative suggestions along the way.  We will not be able to record this lecture, so try not to miss it.  Bethanne’s workshop will be held on Saturday, January 16. Review Linda’s update further on for details and to register.

It is hard to believe that 2020 is coming to a close.  This year has certainly been a demanding one, stretching our ability to respond to new norms and testing our resilience. For many of us during this period our quilting has been a lifeline – an enjoyable way to spend our time and also an opportunity to give to others by making masks and comfort quilts and sewing for friends and family. As we look back on this year, we give thanks for this wonderful gift.

We wish you all joy this holiday season.

Stay well.
Karen and Anne
December 2020


1 Dec, 2020

Latest News – 12/20

2021-04-11T17:10:41-04:00Latest News|

Member Notices:

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via our website, where we have set up a Donate box on our home page, click on Make a Donation.

Guild policies are available for member review at the library table or by request to the

– Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

– Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Shows

Area Quilt Related Shops

1 Nov, 2020

President’s Message

2020-11-01T10:57:13-05:00President's Message|

 November already! This holiday season will be a little different from our last one, but we hope you are finding creative ways to celebrate and give thanks.

Cheered by the success of the Quilt Social and as we head into the colder weather, we are looking for different ways to stay connected. At our November Guild meeting we will be trying out the functionality available on Zoom which allows us to break into “chat rooms” of small groups. The plan will be to hold our business meeting first.  Immediately afterwards, our host, Anne MacDonald, will then (by the magic of technology) break us into groups of 5 for a short discussion or chat.  Anne will give us a topic to start the conversation, and the group members can start by introducing themselves to each other and then address the topic for the chat. At the end of 15 minutes, we will all be brought back together in time to attend the lecture.  Anne will be providing exact instructions during the meeting, as well as the discussion topic, and we promise that the experience will be easy to navigate!

The mini Comfort Quilt meetings, latest on Wednesday, November 4th, provide another opportunity to get together with Guild members, drop off a quilt for donation or pick up a quilt kit or two to work on.  Everyone is welcome.

Carol Sterk and Rosemary DePaola will soon be distributing a draft of the Member Directory (both digital and hard copy) for review.  The Directory is a key resource for staying in touch so please make sure to look over the contact information listed for you and email them if there are any errors at  So far, we have 169 members, and we thank you all for rallying to support the Guild in these difficult times.

As Susan Fasnacht mentioned at our last Guild meeting, ArtsWestchester is providing a unique opportunity for its grantees.  ArtsWestchester will match any first-time donation to the Guild up to $1,500.  Susan describes the details of this matching gift opportunity in the Latest News this month, so please check it out and think about making a gift as a vote of support for our programs.

Giving the lecture this month is Merrill Comeau, a fiber artist, who will give a survey of her work and other international artists who work with fiber and suggest techniques for creating colorful patterned fabrics. This is another wonderful opportunity to see the creative ways that different fabrics – particularly recycled fabrics –  are used to express ideas in quilts with stunning results. You can see some of Merrill’s work here:

As we celebrate on November 26, we will be giving thanks for all the support the Guild has received over the last year.  Happy Thanksgiving Northern Star Quilters!

Stay well.
Karen and Anne
November 2020


1 Nov, 2020

Latest News – 11/20

2021-04-11T17:15:18-04:00Latest News|


“Stitched Collage”
6hrs – online
Students will be challenged to experiment and try new fabrics and stitch techniques while creating a collage expressing symbolic self-representation drawing from memory, experience, and/or hopes for the future. This workshop will include quick writing exercises to prompt self-reflection, a brief period of investigation, interactive visual brainstorming, individual studio time to create, and a group ‘show and tell’ gathering to conclude the day. Merill will provide a demonstration of collage techniques, expressive stitch, and creative use of repurposed fabrics. Concepts of two-dimensional design will be reviewed and incorporated throughout the day.  This workshop is designed with an understanding that access to materials outside the home may be limited. Suggested project size is approximately 12×12 inches.  A tools/materials list and a short preparatory ‘homework’ assignment will be provided with registration confirmation.

 The cost of a workshop is $50.00, non-members are welcome (based on availability) for a fee of $70.

Please be sure your membership is up-to-date (you can renew here) before registering as a member for a workshop.

To signup and pay via credit card: click here.
To signup and pay by check:  email with your workshop choice and mail your check (payable to Northern Star Quilters’ Guild): 
Linda Stern, 26 Lake Drive, Somers, NY 10589

Class confirmation and supply list will be emailed when payment is received.

Questions can be sent to

Materials List for Students

  1. Preparation for introductions: you will introduce yourself to the group by presenting one patterned fabric and one solid color fabric that you feel symbolize you and tell us why you chose these fabrics.
  2. Fabrics for project:
  • bring lot of snippets of fabric that may vary from small (2” scrap) to largest being quarter of a yard
  • select a range of colors and patterns, try to include variety
  • include a bit of every color in the rainbow and a bit of black and white
  • some fabric should be salvaged from discarded clothing or linens (if possible) and try and include fabrics that hold meaning and/or memory for you
  • one piece of fabric should be 12×12 square, this will be the base for your project
  • if possible, include some sheer fabrics: organza, lace, cheese cloth
  1. Tools:
  • scissors
  • pins (straight or safety – your preference)
  • needles
  • thread – you may use sewing thread and/or embroidery thread
  • thimble and hoop (optional)
  • adhesive such as tacky glue or fabric glue (optional)
  1. Please have paper and writing utensil for short exercise

Member Notices:

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via our website, where we have set up a Donate box on our home page, click on Make a Donation.

Guild policies are available for member review at the library table or by request to the

– Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

– Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Shows

Area Quilt Related Shops

2 Oct, 2020

President’s Message

2020-10-09T12:47:04-04:00President's Message|

Happy fall!  We hope that the seasonal changes happening around us are providing plenty of quilting inspiration.

Over 65 members joined our very first zoom Guild Meeting in September and it was good to see people log in and eagerly connect with other members they had not had the chance to see for some months.  As time goes on and we become more comfortable with this format, we are hoping to set up chat rooms where small groups will be able to spend a little more time together and catch up.

This month, our speaker will be Adele Scott who will be sharing her favorite tips, techniques and tools.  The Guild Meeting will start at 5:45 p.m. and the Lecture will begin at 7:00 p.m.  Links to both these zoom rooms will be sent out to everyone beforehand.

The Board and other volunteers are busy planning our Quilt Social event which will take place on Saturday, October 10 from 10:30 to 2:30 p.m. on the grounds of the North Salem Volunteer Ambulance Corps. To allow us to maintain social distancing, this is a member-only event and everyone must pre-register and receive a time slot ahead of time.  There are still some spaces available in the afternoon, see the details further on in the latest news section.

There will be a lot of quilts to see at the Quilt Social.  All the 2020 Challenge Quilts will be on display with the opportunity to cast your vote, the beautiful 2021 Quilt Raffle quilt will be exhibited, and all the Comfort Quilt Salt ‘n Pepper summer project quilts will be there with the opportunity to win one of your choice.  In addition, as some of you know, Jennifer Larrabee has put together a quilt from blocks she received from 45 different people in 17 different states using the fabric scraps left from masks they made. The quilt is a feast of wonderful colors and shapes.

The last date to become a member and to have your name listed in the Member Directory is October 31st.  This year we will be sending all members an email containing a link to the Directory in PDF format which can be downloaded onto your computer and printed if you choose.  We will be printing a limited number of booklets.  If you would like a booklet, please submit your request via the Membership section in the latest news section which follows. Because we are not meeting in person and mailing is expensive, the booklet will be available for pick up at a number of locations.  If pickup is not possible for you, we will make other arrangements.

We know that many of you like having the booklet – we do too!!  But we are keeping our eye on our finances in light of all the uncertainties that we are facing.  We do, however, have a brand-new option for the digital Directory!  As a way of helping us stay connected as a community at a time when we can’t get together in person, every member will have the choice to submit a  face shot photo for the Directory which will appear next to their name and contact information.  One of our new members, Joanne Visovsky has very generously taken on this project and is enthusiastic to get started. You will be receiving an email shortly to let you know how to submit your photo.

Because the Treasurers’ reports will not be available at the meetings for members to review, Rebekah Glacey and Karen Martinez, who are working very hard behind the scenes to keep the Guild finances ticking over, will be providing a Budget Report and Balance Sheet via email to members.   As you will see, we are making some savings as a result of holding our meetings online but there are also areas where we may lose income.  We appreciate your support and will need it more than ever as we go forward.

We hope to see you at the Quilt Social.  For those of you who will not be able to make it, we will miss you but look forward to seeing you at our zoom meetings!

Stay healthy,
Karen and Anne

October 2020


1 Oct, 2020

Latest News – 10/20

2021-04-11T17:15:39-04:00Latest News|

Member Notices:

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via our website, where we have set up a Donate box on our home page, click on Make a Donation.

Guild policies are available for member review at the library table or by request to the

– Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

– Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Shows

Area Quilt Related Shops

3 Sep, 2020

President’s Message

2020-09-04T22:55:25-04:00President's Message|

Summer seems to have whizzed by and now fall is rapidly approaching.

Sadly, we will not be able to have our Guild meeting in person, but we are planning to have to have a zoom meeting on September 22.  The meeting will start at 5:45 p.m., but the ‘room’ will be open 15 minutes beforehand and you can log on and chat with other members before the formal meeting starts.  Following that business meeting, Thomas Knauer will present his lecture “Why We Quilt”, starting slightly earlier than previous lectures, at 6:30pm.  There will be separate links for the Meeting and the Lecture, and we will be sending those out a day or so beforehand, together with instructions, so please watch for those.

We plan to use this format through the fall and Linda has lined up more wonderful quilters who will present zoom Lectures on the evening of our Guild meetings and will teach workshops the next day.  All the information can be found on the website and we hope that you will look into signing up for some of these very interesting workshops.

Thank you to those of you who responded to our survey about the possibility of having a Quilt Social event in October.  Naturally, everyone has her or his comfort level and while some members are enthusiastic about an outdoor event, others are still more cautious.  As a result, the Board will be discussing the feasibility of holding a smaller outdoor event for those members expressing an interest.  We hope that by spring we will be able to put another outdoor event on the agenda that more members will feel comfortable attending.

We are always looking for new ways in which we might connect – perhaps break-out rooms on zoom where small groups might meet to show what they have been working on or discuss new workshops they have attended – and we would love to hear your ideas.

Thank you to those of you who continue to send in photos of your quilts and run the various SIGS and quilting groups

Please be sure to pay attention to your NSQG emails and our website, our main lines of communication these days!

Let’s fill the fall and winter with as much color as we can and keep sharing our love of quilting!

Karen and Anne
September 2020

If you need some assistance with technology to access our online meetings and workshops, let us know!
We can provide help to make sure you can stay connected to your friends and the activities at NSQG!

Watch this short Zoom tutorial we found for you

Contact Anne MacDonald for more personalized help, or cell# in NSQG directory



3 Sep, 2020

Latest News – 09/20

2021-04-11T17:10:05-04:00Latest News|

Member Notices:

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via our website, where we have set up a Donate box on our home page, click on Make a Donation.

Guild policies are available for member review at the library table or by request to the

– Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

– Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Shows

Area Quilt Related Shops

3 Jul, 2020

President’s Message

2020-07-06T15:43:12-04:00President's Message|

We hope that you have been able to enjoy the beginning of summer and the Independence Day holiday.

Over the summer we will be continuing to look for ways of staying connected and sharing our ideas and quilts until we can meet in person once again.  Our Programs Chair, Linda, is scouting out more online programs and workshops for us to enjoy. We are also considering ways in which we will be able to hold our Guild meetings over zoom and possibly socialize online prior to those meetings.  Many Guilds are facing the very same issues that we are and we are keeping our ears to the ground for new ideas and opportunities to make sure that the coronavirus doesn’t get the better of us as a Guild!

Thank you to those of you who have written to us with suggestions and links to online exhibitions and other items of interest that you will find in the Newsletter this month.  The New York Times article on Rosie Lee Tomkins is fascinating and video links about the Bisa Butler exhibition at the Katonah Museum are still available. Some of you might be interested in submitting a quilt to the Yorktown Grange Fair which is going virtual this year. Our own Mary and Jen Cannizzaro were interviewed by The Quilters Circle . Rosalie Dace has very kindly agreed to keep the recording of her presentation up a little longer so it’s not too late to see it.  ArtsWestchester is featuring local members of the sewing community, and Barbara Glab, one of our own members, appears in one of these delightful podcasts.

We hope that you have enjoyed the Show ‘n Tells.  Please keep the photos and ideas coming over the summer!

Don’t forget to vote!  You will be receiving two emails on July 20 – one requesting your vote on the Bylaw Amendment and the other your vote on the slate of officers for the 2020-2021 Guild year. Please look out for them and vote promptly.

Last, but certainly not least, the new Guild season for 2020-2021 has begun and we remind you to renew your membership.  Rona Spar submitted a letter for inclusion in the Newsletter that says it all.  We hope that you will read it and that all the benefits of membership that Rona outlines in her note will prompt you to re-up and keep the Guild thriving through these difficult times.

Stay well and keep happy quilting,

Anne and Karen,
July 2020


Hello Fellow Quilters,

I am writing to encourage you to join or rejoin NSQG to continue to be a part of our creative and supportive organization.   I urge you to think about our programs like Super Saturday, the Ugly Fabric Auction, Row-by-Row groups, Comfort Quilts, yearly challenges, boutiques, salad suppers, helping with the yearly charity raffle quilt, group trips, raffles, SIGS, and so much more. Think of the speakers and workshops which you have attended:  Adele Scott; Raina Gillman; Carole Lyles Shaw; Beth Helfter; Joe Cunningham; Cindy Grisdela; Charlie Hietala; Victoria Findlay Wolfe; Paula Nadelstern; and so very many more.  These programs will continue online or in person, depending upon COVID-19.   Especially think about the Quilt Show, which is the high point of the year.  Sadly, there was no show this year, but plans are progressing to have a fabulous show in 2021.  Be a part of it!!  JOIN!!  And while you are at it, consider making an additional donation to the guild, easily accomplished right on our website.

Until we meet again or Zoom again,  Rona

Online Voting

Considering the continuing difficulty of holding an in-person Annual Meeting due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Board has decided to hold these votes electronically.

The two items of business to be voted on:
– the vote on the proposed Amendments to the Bylaws:  removing the VP Education position with those activities picked up by Special Events and Special Events being renamed Activities Liaison.
– the vote to elect Board Members for the 2020-2021 Guild year(*returning): Co-Presidents*-Anne Chehebar and Karen Carlson, Secretary-Rona Spar, Co-Treasurers*-Rebekah Glacy and Karen Martinez, Co-Vice Presidents Communications-Daisy Dodge and Deborah Warren, Vice President Membership-Carol Sterk, Vice President Programs*-Linda Stern, Vice President Quilt Show*-Narcita Medina.

Emails with the details about these Annual Meeting items were sent in April and again last week along with the voting process.
That email information can also be reviewed here.
Floor nominations for other board candidates were solicited via email and none were received.

Every 2019-2020 member will receive two email ballots, one for the bylaw change and one for the board slate, to be sent July 20, 2020, closing date July 31, 2020.

If you do not receive your ballots on July 20 or have any questions, please contact


3 Jul, 2020

Latest News – 07/20

2021-04-11T17:09:36-04:00Latest News|

Member Notices:

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via our website, where we have set up a Donate box on our home page, click on Make a Donation.

Guild policies are available for member review at the library table or by request to the

– Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

– Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Shows

Area Quilt Related Shops

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