President’s Message – 9/21
Hi all!
We are excited to begin the “new year” with you and look forward to what lies ahead. We’re hoping for a healthy, happy and productive year. Many thanks to the “old guard” who have done an amazing job through challenging times and have created a calendar that looks to be a full one.
We, of course, were a bit stunned when we learned we could no longer have our Quilt Show at West Conn, but with the leadership of Lisa Alfonzetti and her committee we are confident we will find an alternative and Make It Work! There are several ideas being pursued and no stone being left unturned. If you have any suggestions and/or ideas, please share them with one of us.
Our board and guild meetings will continue mostly on zoom for the first few months at least. We’re hoping to have an in-person meeting in December and will keep you posted. Our first board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 14 and our first guild meeting will be the following week Tuesday September 21. You will be receiving a reminder with link information ahead of time.
We have been happy to see that many of the SIGs have continued to meet through the past year either with zoom, in person or a combination. Keep us informed as to what you’re doing and creating!
We are planning a social gathering at the North Salem Ambulance Corps some time in October… much like we had last year. It will be a good opportunity to actually see each other, view (and bid on) the Comfort Quilt summer challenges, see displays of other SIGs works, continue Membership work, buy books, kits and more. We’ll keep you posted as to date and times.
If any of you have any questions, information or ideas for us, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Also, if there’s a committee you’d like to participate in, please let us know. In the meantime continue to enjoy your summer and happy quilting.
Margaret Cibulsky and Jody Sullivan