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So far admin2 has created 179 blog entries.
1 Dec, 2023

President’s Message – 12/23

2023-12-01T16:40:57-05:00Member Showcase, President's Message|

Quilt Retreat at Mariandale

Happy Holiday Season! We can’t believe it’s December already and we are looking forward to our holiday party on Wednesday December 13th.  Note, one week earlier than usual.

Bring a plateful of holiday cookies to share and a container to take home extras and enjoy a trunk show by member Barbara Glab.

Looking towards the future, please remember that our meetings in January and February will be on Zoom.  You will be sent the access link a couple of days before.

If you have been missing our meetings, please check out our workshops, Super Saturday, and other activities later in this newsletter and on the website.

Though May seems far away, our quilt show is right around the corner.  We are still missing two chairs for admissions and quilt handler.  Please, please consider by yourself or with a friend taking on one of these positions.  We cannot have a quilt show without them!

Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday. See you on the 15th!

Sheryl and Helen,

Member Notices:

1 Dec, 2023

Latest News – 12/23

2023-12-06T16:15:54-05:00Latest News|

Upcoming Comfort Quilt Meetings

  • Feb 5 and 19
  • March 5 and 19
  • April 9 and 23
  • May 21
  • Jun 4 and 18

We meet Wednesdays from 9:30 to 1:30 at the North Salem Volunteer Ambulance Corps, 14 Daniel Rd, North Salem, NY.  Infrequently, meetings need to be cancelled or rescheduled at the last minute.  If in doubt or coming for the first time, please check.  You can stay for all or part of the time. Bring your sewing machine, and a light lunch if desired.  Kits, fabric, batting, and basic quilting tools are available for your use.

Comfort Quilts welcomes all interested NSQG members, so consider joining the fun!

If you would like to be added to the CQ email list or get further information or make a fabric or batting donation, contact Karen Carlson or Carol Auer,

Some November Comfort Quilts


Area Quilt Shows

Area Guilds offering Programs

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like to be a ‘buddy’ or have a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.  Remember to pick up your name badge at the check-in table or make your own NSQG fabric name badge, pattern HERE.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via the DONATE box on our website home page, click on Make a Donation.

Current NSQG Board Members, Bylaws, and Policies
Guild financial reports are available to members by annual email or by request to the

Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Related Shops

1 Nov, 2023

President’s Message – 11/23

2023-11-02T11:01:39-04:00Member Showcase, President's Message|

The CQ raffle raised $330 to help support Comfort Quilts.

Dee Rizzo chose her own quilt. Jody Sullivan’s choice was by Joyce Sullivan. Mary Rossetti chose JoAnne Hochstein’s.

With our guild now in full swing at our new home, we hope you are  enjoying our meetings as much as we are.  Little by little we are ironing out the minor problems that arose with the new change of space.

We look forward to welcoming Cindy Grisdela at our November meeting.  Her lecture will be followed by a workshop.  We look forward to seeing and hearing many of her new ideas and techniques.

And speaking of techniques, Fran Jacobson will be chairing a Special Interest Group for beginner quilters.  Please check with Fran for more details.

At our last meeting Comfort quilts had a wonderful raffle from their summer challenge.  Comfort quilts under Karen Carlson’s and Carol Auer’s leadership, sews quilts for those in need.  If you are free on Wednesdays join them at the North Salem Ambulance Corp.  Please see our website for more details.

And as always please read the entire newsletter and check our website.  There is a wealth of information right at your fingertips on all our future activities.

Hope to see you on November 15th.
Sheryl and Helen,

Member Notices:

1 Nov, 2023

Latest News – 11/23

2023-11-04T19:57:01-04:00Latest News|

Upcoming Comfort Quilt Meetings

  • Feb 5 and 19
  • March 5 and 19
  • April 9 and 23
  • May 21
  • Jun 4 and 18

We meet Wednesdays from 9:30 to 1:30 at the North Salem Volunteer Ambulance Corps, 14 Daniel Rd, North Salem, NY.  Infrequently, meetings need to be cancelled or rescheduled at the last minute.  If in doubt or coming for the first time, please check.  You can stay for all or part of the time. Bring your sewing machine, and a light lunch if desired.  Kits, fabric, batting, and basic quilting tools are available for your use.

Comfort Quilts welcomes all interested NSQG members, so consider joining the fun!

If you would like to be added to the CQ email list or get further information or make a fabric or batting donation, contact Karen Carlson or Carol Auer,

Some October CQ Quilts


Area Quilt Shows

Area Guilds offering Programs

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like to be a ‘buddy’ or have a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.  Remember to pick up your name badge at the check-in table or make your own NSQG fabric name badge, pattern HERE.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via the DONATE box on our website home page, click on Make a Donation.

Current NSQG Board Members, Bylaws, and Policies
Guild financial reports are available to members by annual email or by request to the

Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Related Shops

1 Oct, 2023

President’s Message – 10/23

2023-10-02T21:59:40-04:00Member Showcase, President's Message|

Upcoming Landscape Workshop

Thank you to everyone who attended and helped make our kickoff meeting a great success.  We had an enormous crowd of both old and new members and it was great to see everyone again. Since the quilt show we have gained about 30 new members with 4 joining at the meeting. This is very exciting.  Please reach out and make our new members feel welcome  and encourage them to join our Special lnterest Groups(SIGs) and other activities.

And mentioning our SIGS, Fran Jacobson has offered to lead a beginner quilting group so that our new quilters might have guidance and technical assistance.

Clara Nartey gave a wonderful presentation on creativity.  Her trunk show was truly exquisite.  We look forward to Rachel Derstine’s lecture  in October.  She will also be leading a workshop on landscapes.  There are still a few openings.

A big thank you to Lisa Alfonzetti of Pins and Needle for the pizza party and fantastic workshop on sewing machine maintenance that she held for our members just before the meeting.  Lisa’s shop is close by in Mount Kisco and she will be keeping it open so that members might shop before the meeting.

Also thanks to Meg Mooar for her wonderful Zoom pop-up presentation on Dyeing Fabrics with Natural Materials; the recording link was emailed afterwards in case you couldn’t attend.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday October 18th at Fox Lane.

Sheryl and Helen,

Member Notices:

1 Oct, 2023

Latest News – 10/23

2023-10-04T21:34:14-04:00Latest News|

Upcoming Comfort Quilt Meetings

  • Feb 5 and 19
  • March 5 and 19
  • April 9 and 23
  • May 21
  • Jun 4 and 18

We meet Wednesdays from 9:30 to 1:30 at the North Salem Volunteer Ambulance Corps, 14 Daniel Rd, North Salem, NY.  Infrequently, meetings need to be cancelled or rescheduled at the last minute.  If in doubt or coming for the first time, please check.  You can stay for all or part of the time. Bring your sewing machine, and a light lunch if desired.  Kits, fabric, batting, and basic quilting tools are available for your use.

Comfort Quilts welcomes all interested NSQG members, so consider joining the fun!

If you would like to be added to the CQ email list or get further information or make a fabric or batting donation, contact Karen Carlson or Carol Auer,

Some September Comfort Quilts


Area Quilt Shows

Area Guilds offering Programs

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like to be a ‘buddy’ or have a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.  Remember to pick up your name badge at the check-in table or make your own NSQG fabric name badge, pattern HERE.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via the DONATE box on our website home page, click on Make a Donation.

Current NSQG Board Members, Bylaws, and Policies
Guild financial reports are available to members by annual email or by request to the

Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Related Shops

1 Sep, 2023

President’s Message – 09/23

2023-09-01T09:50:28-04:00Member Showcase, President's Message|

Fox Lane High School Atrium

Atrium Entrance Area and Parking

We hope you all are having a wonderful summer and quilting up a storm.  


This year we have a number of exciting things to look forward to.  Jo Thomas has managed to snare Irene Roderick (  for World of Quilts XLIII.  She is planning on 3 unique lectures, so plan on spending the weekend with us.  We will also be having a 2 day workshop with her after the show and be sure and check out our other workshops scheduled throughout the year.  We have our Super Saturday again in February headed by Lefa Alksne and our very own comedian, Linda Finegan running the ever popular Ugly Fabric Auction.  Jody Sullivan will be running 2 retreats at the Mariandale Center in Ossining.  Check it out in this newsletter.  Constance Toplansky is heading our 2023-24 Black and White Challenge.  Orphan blocks are being collected by Patricia Loquet for later distribution to make into Comfort Quilts.  Finally, we have a number of SIGs making plans for the year and we hope you will join.


As a reminder, our new location is Fox Lane High School, 632 South Bedford Rd. Bedford, NY 10506.  This is just east of Exit 4 (Mt.Kisco) of I-684.  There are 2 entrances.  The first is the immediate right turn just past 684.  It is not labeled but the road enters at the back of the campus where the two story atrium is our entrance.  If you miss that turnoff, make a right at the light and follow the main roads around to the back.  This will lead you to the other end of the campus where the 2-story atrium is at the back of the last building.  There is ample parking adjacent to the door.  We will be meeting in the cafeteria which is almost immediately on your right upon entering the building.


Before the meeting, at 4pm at her shop, Lisa Alfonzetti of Pins and Needles in Mt. Kisco is running a Sewing Machine Maintenance class and pizza party,  free of charge for members, signup is requested – use the signup link later in the newsletter.  Thank you so much, we are sure your pointers will be very helpful.


September is here.  Hope to see you at our first meeting on Wednesday, September 20st at 5:30!

Member Notices:

1 Sep, 2023

Latest News – 09/23

2023-09-04T12:35:14-04:00Latest News|

Upcoming Comfort Quilt Meetings

  • Feb 5 and 19
  • March 5 and 19
  • April 9 and 23
  • May 21
  • Jun 4 and 18

We meet Wednesdays from 9:30 to 1:30 at the North Salem Volunteer Ambulance Corps, 14 Daniel Rd, North Salem, NY.  Infrequently, meetings need to be cancelled or rescheduled at the last minute.  If in doubt or coming for the first time, please check.  You can stay for all or part of the time. Bring your sewing machine, and a light lunch if desired.  Kits, fabric, batting, and basic quilting tools are available for your use.

Comfort Quilts welcomes all interested NSQG members, so consider joining the fun!

If you would like to be added to the CQ email list or get further information or make a fabric or batting donation, contact Karen Carlson or Carol Auer,

Some summer Comfort Quilts


Area Quilt Shows

Area Guilds offering Programs

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like to be a ‘buddy’ or have a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.  Remember to pick up your name badge at the check-in table or make your own NSQG fabric name badge, pattern HERE.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via the DONATE box on our website home page, click on Make a Donation.

Current NSQG Board Members, Bylaws, and Policies
Guild financial reports are available to members by annual email or by request to the

Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Related Shops

17 Jul, 2023

Special Edition July 2023

2023-07-17T17:10:28-04:00Member Showcase, President's Message|

Member Notices:

17 Jul, 2023

Coming Attractions 2023-24

2023-07-18T11:04:48-04:00Latest News|

Upcoming Comfort Quilt Meetings

  • Feb 5 and 19
  • March 5 and 19
  • April 9 and 23
  • May 21
  • Jun 4 and 18

We meet Wednesdays from 9:30 to 1:30 at the North Salem Volunteer Ambulance Corps, 14 Daniel Rd, North Salem, NY.  Infrequently, meetings need to be cancelled or rescheduled at the last minute.  If in doubt or coming for the first time, please check.  You can stay for all or part of the time. Bring your sewing machine, and a light lunch if desired.  Kits, fabric, batting, and basic quilting tools are available for your use.

Comfort Quilts welcomes all interested NSQG members, so consider joining the fun!

If you would like to be added to the CQ email list or get further information or make a fabric or batting donation, contact Karen Carlson or Carol Auer,


Area Quilt Shows

Area Guilds offering Programs

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like to be a ‘buddy’ or have a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild.  Remember to pick up your name badge at the check-in table or make your own NSQG fabric name badge, pattern HERE.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via the DONATE box on our website home page, click on Make a Donation.

Current NSQG Board Members, Bylaws, and Policies
Guild financial reports are available to members by annual email or by request to the

Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Quilts in Ukraine – Thanks to Deb Tashjian!

Area Quilt Related Shops

1 Jun, 2023

President’s Message – 06/23

2023-07-12T17:15:11-04:00Member Showcase, President's Message|

Our term as your presidents is coming to an end and we can honestly say it’s been an education as well as a rewarding experience.  We wish to thank the current board for all their help and hard work throughout the year.  The guild is indebted to you for what you have accomplished the past two years.  And thank you again to each new and continuing board member who stepped up to serve 2023-2024.  We wish you the very best.
We’ve had our challenges from finding a new venue for the quilt show, a new venue for workshops, and most recently, securing a new space for our monthly meetings. Now we can announce that we have a new location – the large cafeteria at Fox Lane High School in Bedford, NY.  We believe this new location may prove to be advantageous to many as it is located right off Rte 684.  Meeting dates are expected to continue on the third Wednesday of the month, except for December which will be on the second Wednesday.  You will be receiving more information from your new presidents, Helen May and Sheryl Fleishaker.   We look forward to seeing you there in the fall!
Once again we wish to thank Lisa Alfonzetti and her incredible committee who made World of Quilts XLII a success. We gained 17 new memberships during the show!
We hope to see many of you on Wednesday, June 21 at the Salad Supper Meeting which starts at 6 pm at Kennedy Catholic HS.  Details follow in the hospitality section.
Warmest wishes for an enjoyable summer,

Margaret and Jody

Member Notices:

1 Jun, 2023

Latest News – 06/23

2023-07-10T15:13:38-04:00Latest News|

Upcoming Comfort Quilt Meetings

  • Feb 5 and 19
  • March 5 and 19
  • April 9 and 23
  • May 21
  • Jun 4 and 18

We meet Wednesdays from 9:30 to 1:30 at the North Salem Volunteer Ambulance Corps, 14 Daniel Rd, North Salem, NY.  Infrequently, meetings need to be cancelled or rescheduled at the last minute.  If in doubt or coming for the first time, please check.  You can stay for all or part of the time. Bring your sewing machine, and a light lunch if desired.  Kits, fabric, batting, and basic quilting tools are available for your use.

Comfort Quilts welcomes all interested NSQG members, so consider joining the fun!

If you would like to be added to the CQ email list or get further information or make a fabric or batting donation, contact Karen Carlson or Carol Auer,


Area Quilt Shows

Area Guilds offering Programs

Whether you’re a new or renewing member, check out our Buddy Program if you would like to be a ‘buddy’ or have a ‘buddy’ to show you the ropes around the guild’.  Be sure to pick up your name badge or make your own NSQG fabric name badge, pattern HERE.

If you know any member of the guild who is in need of a little ‘sunshine’ for illness, sympathy, or any other reason, please contact so the guild can send a card.

Requests on how to make a donation to the guild to honor a member or support an activity are occasionally received. Such requests may now be accomplished via our website, where we have set up a Donate box on our home page, click on Make a Donation.

Guild bylaws and policies are available to members on our website or by request to the
Guild financial reports are available to members by annual email or by request to the

Send Guild newsletter updates and photos as well as info on local quilt activities and shows to and photos for Instagram and Facebook are always welcome at

Follow and Share NSQG activities on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

Area Quilt Related Shops

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