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So far admin2 has created 179 blog entries.
1 Dec, 2017

President’s Message

2018-01-28T09:32:37-05:00President's Message|

It seems as if the cold weather is finally here.  The good news about that is, we now have a good reason to stay inside and quilt.  Don’t forget, the challenge quilts are due at our January meeting and quilt registration for the World of Quilts XXXIX show starts in January as well.

Thank you to everyone who brought food items in November to donate to the local food pantries.  If you missed the opportunity to bring an item, you can always contact your local food pantry directly to make a donation.  I recently attended a presentation by a representative of the Food Bank for Westchester and she stated that one in every five Westchester residents are in need of food assistance, so your donations are greatly appreciated.

For the past two years the Guild has donated a Comfort Quilt to Kennedy Catholic to include in their November live auction fund raiser.  The donation is made in the name of Sister Barbara as a replacement for the doll wardrobes she made for the event.  I am pleased to report that this year’s donation was auctioned off for $240.

I want to bring up something about the “free” table at the meetings.  Please be aware that any items that are not taken by members get tossed out.  I have noticed that the amount of fabric, patterns, magazines, etc. has been growing and sometimes I almost fill a garbage can with the rejects.  Please look at what you are bringing.  Try to limit it to materials used for quilting that are truly usable.  We can’t expect to have Kennedy Catholic to take care of disposing of our trash.

I wish everyone a wonderful and happy holiday season.

Susan Fasnacht,

1 Dec, 2017

Membership Information

2017-12-01T12:51:42-05:00Hospitality, Library, Membership|

1 Dec, 2017


2017-12-05T12:00:19-05:00SIGs, Special Events, Workshops|

1 Dec, 2017

Charitable Activities

2017-12-01T12:44:59-05:00Charitable Activities|

Quilt Show Raffle – Return your raffle stub ticket money at any of our guild meetings or mail them in. Those who have not picked up their raffle ticket packets  or who need extra tickets can pick them up at the meeting. Be sure to check out prizes here (including a Bernina machine from Pins and Needles)

Comfort Quilt Holiday Boutique – $383.00 was made to help support Guild activities and members got some great deals!  See you next year!

Comfort Quilt Meetings – Time to make your New Year Resolution and plan to attend Comfort Quilts.  All members are invited to our Wednesday meetings at the Ambulance Corp in North Salem to make quilts for folks in need.

The 2018 CQ schedule is as follow:  Jan 3,17, Feb 7,21, Mar 7,21, Apr 4,18, May 9,23 (***May is 2nd and 4th Wednesday NOT the usual 1st and 3rd).  Always check with Carol Auer or Karen Carlson for possible cancellations if you are not on the Comfort Quilt mailing list.

1 Nov, 2017

President’s Message

2017-11-01T16:50:31-04:00President's Message|

An early Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  Remember because of Thanksgiving, our meeting will be held a week earlier than normal on November 14.  We will have our own Debbie Bein speaking to us that evening and holding the workshop the following day.  For those of you at the October lecture, I expect that the audio will be working better – it turns out the mic had fallen off the stage earlier in the evening which caused it to malfunction.  It should be fixed for November.

We will be holding a modified Holiday Boutique prior to the meeting.  We had only a couple of members sign up to sell items plus the Comfort Quilt tables.  Rather than cancel the entire boutique, we will hold a scaled down version in the hallway next to the auditorium doors (not in the lobby).  “Doors” will open at 6:00.

I had mentioned in the October meeting reminders that the doors to the lobby will be open for those of you who would like to avoid having to walk up the long ramp to the cafeteria. Although I was told a few days before the meeting that would be the case, when I arrived they were locked.  I asked bm liaison about it and he said that they cannot leave the doors unlocked, but people can use them if someone lets them in.  I will look into this more, but for now, if you do want to use that entrance plan on having to call someone who is already at the school to let you in.

I am still looking for a new Special Events Chairperson.  Susan Deshensky has found that with getting her teaching business going along with her other activities, she needed to step down from the Board.  We wish her good luck with her new endeavor.  The Special Events position is not overly time consuming.  You are responsible for overseeing the Boutiques (Nov. and May), the Guild Challenge, Lancaster Trip, and Super Saturday.  Each of these activities has a person running them and doing the detailed coordination.  The Special Events Chairperson needs to act as their liaison to the Board and oversee what they are doing to make sure things are getting done.  If you are looking for a way to become a little more active in the Guild, it is a good opportunity to do so.  You’ll find you learn more about what we do and it is a great way to meet other members.

The Quilt Show Committee received some great news this past month.  The Dutch collection of the new Cherrywood Fabrics Van Gough exhibit will be displayed at our show in May!  The Cherrywood exhibits are present in most of the national and regional shows, so it is fantastic that we will have the works at our quilt show. Congratulations to Chris and Noreen for procuring this exhibit.

Susan Fasnacht,

1 Nov, 2017

Membership Information

2017-11-09T08:54:33-05:00Hospitality, Library, Membership|

Hello Quilters.  The new Membership Books for 2017-2018 are going to the printer this week!  Please stop by the welcome table to pick up your copy.  Jennifer Kramer,

*Guild Website and Email*

 Originally, Communications was responsible for developing and mailing a monthly printed newsletter  to all members containing guild information and current updates.  The internet grew and a website was added with general information.  The cost of printing and mailing a newsletter became prohibitive and emailing replaced postal mail.  A few years ago, supporting a separate email newsletter as well as a website became unmanageable and the monthly newsletter information was folded into an expanded website.

The guild website maintains information about the many different facets of the guild, a calendar of upcoming events, and highlights of current guild activities as well as relevant local events and member accomplishments.  It also includes a blog (online journal) of updates from Board members. These monthly updates were the main component of the old printed/emailed newsletter and can now be found under  ‘Latest News’ on the website’s main screen(home page) starting the beginning of every month.

A few days later, a fairly automatic process emails these posts to members –  ‘News & Updates from Northern Star Quilters Guild’ .  This email blast of blog posts is still referred to as the ‘newsletter’.  Past blog posts can be found via ‘Archives’ in the footer at the bottom of the website page.

Another email,  ‘Monthly Meeting Reminders’ is sent to all members just a few days before the guild meeting and contains short notices collected from the Board about the upcoming meeting.  Special emails may occasionally be sent out with updated or one-time information. Neither of these are part of website.

In addition, website service was recently upgraded to provide faster response time.  Especially if you haven’t lately,  be sure to check out our website –

Hospitality:  Members with last names beginning with G, H, and I  are asked to bring a snack for November’s meeting. Members with D, E, and F last names:  If we run a November raffle, your October snack tickets will be accepted for a free chance, so try to put it where you will remember it next month!

ALSO:  We will be collecting food ( non-perishable items only, please) and gift card donations for local food pantries at the November meeting.  Kathy Keane and Meg Mooar will have their cars ready to accept donations as you enter the meeting – no need to bring your donations all the way in!  Just meet these ladies at the bottom of the stairs and help them fill up their cars.  Thank you!



1 Nov, 2017


2017-11-03T18:27:11-04:00SIGs, Special Events, Workshops|

1 Nov, 2017

Charitable Activities

2017-11-05T09:54:43-05:00Charitable Activities|

2018 Raffle Quilt – I hope you had the chance to see our beautiful 2018 raffle Quilt Which Way Up? coordinated by Donna Chambers, quilted by Mary Cannizzaro, and displayed at the September Guild Meeting.  If not, see it here!

This eye catching Log Cabin Quilt has a beautiful center medallion of machine appliquéd flowers by Kaffe Fassett arranged on a blue metallic fabric by Paula Nadelstem.  The log cabin blocks are made of colorful shades of yellows, pinks , blues and greens. The quilt measures 95×95.  Raffle Tickets will be available at the November Guild Meeting.  Please pick up your Raffle Ticket Packet and support this year’s nominated charity The Emergency Shelter Partnership.

Pillow Cases – Thanks to the initiative of Susan Deshensky, the work of Yvonne Clayton and the generosity of our membership 150 pillow cases have been shipped to Texas.

Jack’s Chain –Thank you for being so prompt in returning your blocks.  Mary Cannizzaro will be at the November Guild Meeting to collect the remaining blocks for Jack’s Chain, our 2019 raffle quilt.

Boutique – By popular demand the Comfort Quilt table will be back at the November meeting!  There will be great deals on a variety of notions, batiks, and fabric packs as well as a Centennial Singer Featherweight  ($250,more info –  Karen Carlson

Comfort Quilt Fabric Request – Quilting Cotton Strips – 2 1/2″ x WOF (width of fabric, 41-45″).  Give to Karen or Carol or any CQ’er.

CQ Winner’s Choice Raffle – $285 raised – two quilts won – thank you all!

Kim Hyde, quilt by Ann Fitzell

Rosemary Mahoney, quilt by Caryl Castellion

althea s. nolan, charitable activities






1 Nov, 2017

Quilt Show

2017-11-01T16:38:23-04:00Quilt Show|

Our show committee is now complete. We thank everyone who has volunteered to work on our committee and we look forward to creating a successful show together.

We are very excited to announce that we have secured the Cherrywood Dutch Van Gogh exhibit for our show (  This will be a wonderful addition to all of the beautiful quilts and displays that will fill the show.  Speaking of beautiful quilts, we hope everyone is hard at work on their own show entry(s).

We would ask all of the SIGs to please let us know if you will be putting an exhibit in the show. We need your information by January so that we can finalize the set up in the gym.

Once again we invite you to participate in our Silent Auction which will feature quilts that will be auctioned off at the 2018 show. If you would like to donate a piece, please keep the following guidelines in mind: perimeter less than 125” with a 3” sleeve and a label.  JoAnne Hochstein will collect completed quilts at each guild meeting. If you have any questions contact her at

Noreen Lippolis and Chris Roche, Quilt show co-chairs,

1 Oct, 2017

President’s Message

2017-10-11T16:35:07-04:00President's Message|

It was great being back last month.  I was happy to see that we have a number of new members – welcome and enjoy all the guild has to offer.  You will find that our members are a great resource for helping you with any quilting questions you may have.  And, if you need any information on the guild, please feel free to contact me.

To those who stayed for September’s lecture, I hope you found it as interesting as I did.  I also realize that there were a few glitches in the auditorium set up – I have spoken to the school as to what to do and expect to have them rectified for next month.   We are still working our way through coordinating with Kennedy Catholic on how we run our meetings without the help of Sister Barbara – we do miss her.  Also, if anyone left a white sweater behind, I have it and will bring it to the October meeting.

Thank you to everyone who made pillow cases to send to hurricane victims.  If you still would like to make one, we will be posting an address to send them to. The ones we collected have been mailed out and we will not be doing another mailing.  Word is the areas affected by the three hurricanes are not looking for quilts, there are other basic essential items they need first, so we will not be collecting quilts in the foreseeable future.

I hope to see you in October.  Susan Fasnacht,


1 Oct, 2017

Membership Information

2017-10-05T08:39:33-04:00Hospitality, Library, Membership|

*Membership – Jennifer Kramer*

It was very nice to see everyone and welcome 94 members and 1 guest to the September meeting.  We celebrated those members who renewed their membership prior to the September 1st by awarding four $25.00 gift certificates. The gift certificates can be used for NSQG programs and trips.

Please welcome our new members: Christine Lazarus, Kathleen Porter, Mary Brewer, Katherine Darretta, Linda Franco, Jane Pinchuk, Deborah Warren, Linda DiBrita and returning member Marilyn Cambigianis.


In October we are very happy to welcome our first Member Showcase this season, with our famous quilting couple, Eunice and Don Gough.  Enjoy their quilts on display at the meeting.

           Eunice and Don have many things in common. They are both licensed airplane pilots, both capable house builders having built their own house by themselves and both are avid quilters although their styles are very different. Eunice tends to do more traditional, pieced or appliqué quilts while Don is more into raw edge fusible pictorial quilts.

           Eunice has been quilting for many years. Her first quilt was a baby quilt for a friend. She was a member of the Northern Star Quilt Guild when they were meeting at the Somers elementary school.

           About ten years ago Don noticed Eunice making a Christmas quilt. He commented how he didn’t like the background color. Eunice responded with “If you don’t like it, go make your own”. Don did just that and from then on he was hooked on quilting. With Eunice helping, Don would try a new technique with each successive quilt.

           Don is more competitive than Eunice and he would encourage Eunice to enter her quilts in the NSQG shows. Don has entered his quilts in shows around the country and both Eunice and Don have many awards. During the last six years Don has led the Landscape quilters SIG.


If you have not renewed your membership from last year it would be best if you did this prior to the October meeting. Print your form, include a check for $45.00 and mail it to NSQG Membership, PO Box 232, Somers, NY 10589.  The membership booklet information will be available at the October meeting for you to proof read and then the info will go to print.  Don’t miss the chance to be included in the 2017-18 booklet.
For information, contact

*Library – Elizabeth Cook*

For information, contact

*Hospitality – Micki Green, Christine Langan*

For information, contact

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