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1 May, 2019

President’s Message

2019-05-01T13:03:28-04:00President's Message|


Board Candidates-Click pic for Bios- Anne,Karen,Daisy,Deb,Linda,Rona,Karen,Rebeka,Rosemary,Linda,Narci,Julie

The Annual Meeting of the Northern Star Quilter’s Guild will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., at John F. Kennedy Catholic High School, Somers, New York.  At that Meeting, the membership will vote on the following candidates for the NSQG Board for the 2019-2020 Guild year.  The candidates are:

Co-Presidents: Karen Carlson and Anne Chehebar
Secretary:  Rona Spar
Co-Treasurers: Rebeka Glacy and Karen Martinez
Co-Vice Presidents: Communications – Daisy Dodge and Deborah Warren
Vice President:  Education – Linda Finegan
Vice President:  Membership – Rosemary DePaola
Vice President: Programs – Linda Stern
Co-Vice Presidents: Quilt Show – Narcita Medina and Julie Long

The Board appointed positions to oversee Charitable Activities and Hospitality and Special Events are still open. Please let us know if you can help or would like further information.

President’s Message

This message should be arriving in your in-box just as A World of Quilts XL is wrapping up.  I saw a sampling of the quilts at Saturday’s quilt drop off and it looks like we will have a stunning display.  Everyone involved has done a fantastic job and I want to thank all who have volunteered.  Daisy and Debby have taken on the show with a lot of enthusiasm and energy.  They have done a great job organizing it, and looking for ways to make it even more exciting and successful.

This year’s Challenge Quilts were fantastic.  I was overwhelmed by the workmanship and the variety of interpretations of the theme – Ruby Red Flowers.  What a way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of A World of Quilts.  I offer a big thank-you for April for organizing the challenge.  She enjoyed running the event so much she has volunteered to run next year’s challenge.  Look for the announcement of next year’s theme in the coming months.

Our May meeting will have a lot going on.  It is the guild’s Annual Meeting and we will be voting on the proposed slate of officers for 2019-2020.  We will also be drawing the tickets for the winner of this year’s raffle quilt and the Bernina sewing machine.

Additionally at the meeting, we will be handing out a member survey for you to complete. Carol Sterk has formed a committee to look at what it is the Guild is doing right, where we can improve things, and what do members expect of us.  Membership has been dropping the past few years and we want to see what we can do to bring in new members and retain them.  Please take the time to complete the form; it will be a great tool for us to shape the future of the guild.

Our program is a repeat of the one canceled last May when Kennedy Catholic lost power just before our meeting.  Sue Beever will be giving a “hands-on” lecture in the cafeteria.  In groups of 6-8 people with 36-40 fabric “chips” at each table (provided by Sue) we will discuss real life color harmonies.  A color wheel only shows us color theory; using real fabrics, both prints and solids, Sue will lead us in a discussion to help us create different color scenarios.  I was sorry we missed out on this “lecture” last year and am glad she is able to return to us.

Susan Fasnacht,



1 May, 2019

Latest News – 5/19

2021-04-11T17:05:47-04:00Latest News|


– Click on any of the main newsletter headings for the related webpage.
– Send guild news updates, quilt activities and photos to
– Guild by-laws, policies and board meeting minutes are available for review at the library table.
– Follow NSQG on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

1 Apr, 2019

President’s Message

2019-04-06T16:18:03-04:00President's Message|

2019 Ruby Challenge Quilts

Our 40th Anniversary “A World of Quilts” is only a few weeks away.  It’s shaping up to be a great show.  We will have on display nearly 200 registered quilts; quilts by our speaker, Paula Nadelstern and our invitational quilter, Karen Eckmeier; the Sacred Threads Quilt Exhibit; our SIG’s; FANE; and our beautiful Challenge Quilts – in the neighborhood of 300 total!  It should be spectacular – invite your friends and relatives to see all these great quilts.

I received some good news this past week.  It seems that WCSU made a mistake when looking at their 2020 calendar when they told us we could not hold the show there on our traditional weekend.  After looking again at their calendar I received confirmation that we will be able to have our show at WCSU on May 2 and 3, 2020.  This takes the pressure off of us scrambling to find a new venue in just a few months.  However, the Board also recognizes that there is concern with the financial aspects of holding the show at WCSU and will still be looking at that.  We made changes for this year’s show to increase income and decrease expenses to help with the finances.  Once the accounting for this year’s show is done, we will evaluate its cost and decide if we need to make a change.  Keeping our show at WCSU in 2020 gives us almost a full year to decide what changes, if any are necessary.

Thank you to April Russel for organizing this year’s Quilt Challenge.  She had 39 beautiful quilts submitted.  It was great seeing how people interpreted the theme of ruby red flowers.  I thought that since it was such a good display of techniques and showed a wide variety of quilting methods, it could be a good display for Arts Westchester to exhibit.  This is the organization that gave us the $1,000 grant to support our speaker costs.  I have made initial contact with them and hopefully will have more to report at our meeting.

Susan Fasnacht,

1 Apr, 2019

Latest News – 4/19

2021-04-11T17:17:40-04:00Latest News|


– Click on any of the main newsletter headings for the related webpage.
– Send guild news updates, quilt activities and photos to
– Board meeting minutes are available for review at the library table.
– Follow NSQG on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

1 Mar, 2019

President’s Message

2019-03-04T15:53:03-05:00President's Message|

Click to register your quilt in the show!

According to a recent survey conducted by the American Quilters’ Society, the month during which most quilters finish projects is February.  That means several of you should have completed a quilt last month, so why not enter it in our show?  We could use more quilts registered – please don’t wait until the end of March to enter your quilt.  It makes the registrar’s job easier if they don’t all come in at the last minute.  Remember you don’t have to have it completely finished until quilt drop off on April 27.

Once again Super Saturday was wonderful.  Thank you to Pooa Bloomberg for organizing the day and to all the people who taught classes.  Also thanks to our Hospitality Chairs, Micky Green and Christine Langan for arranging for the food that day.  I saw lots of beautiful projects being worked on with a real variety of items.  If you participated in a class, and didn’t get a chance to show off your work at the February meeting, bring it in March for our Show and Tell.

The Challenge Quilts will be displayed at the March meeting.  You will be able to vote for Most Creative, Best Use of the ‘Ruby’ Challenge Color, and Viewer’s Choice.  I don’t know the final count, but April had close to 40 quilts turned it.  It will be a great display for our meeting and the quilt show.

I hope to see you in March – spring is not too far away.

Susan Fasnacht,

1 Mar, 2019

Latest News – 3/19

2021-04-11T17:05:15-04:00Latest News|


– Click on any of the main newsletter headings for the related webpage.
– Send guild news updates, quilt activities and photos to
– Board meeting minutes are available for review at the library table.
– Follow NSQG on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

1 Feb, 2019

President’s Message

2019-02-01T10:21:22-05:00President's Message|

Organizers Rosemary and Linda

Auctioneer Sandy

January’s Ugly Fabric Auction was a great success, netting $676 to help support guild activities. Thanks to all who bid and donated!

I am pleased to announce that the guild has been awarded a $1,000 grant through ArtsWestchester’s Arts Alive program to help fund our speakers.  We are honored to receive the money and are thrilled that ArtsWestchester recognized quilts as an art form.  We hope to use this relationship with them to publicize the guild, and help build interest in quilting and increase our membership.  Thank you to all who helped in writing the grant application.

Now for some not so good news.  We were informed several weeks ago by Western Connecticut State University that in 2020 the first weekend in May will no longer be available to us for the quilt show (don’t worry we are okay for this May).  They are going to start using the arena on the Friday of that weekend for their sport’s award dinner, which will impact with our set up.  The Board looked at possibly moving the show to another weekend, but found that it would not be possible without conflicting with another quilt show or a holiday.  We are starting to examine our options and will be reporting back to you as we develop them.

Remember the Challenge Quilts are due this month.  I hope we have lots of submissions – it will be great having a large display at the show.  Our program will be demos by various guild members and it looks like we will have a good variety of presentations at the meeting.

If you have not signed up for Super Saturday, you can still do so.  Contact Pooa Bloomberg at to register.

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel this year’s Lancaster trip.  We only had 10 people who had signed up and paid by the January meeting.  After struggling last year to get enough people to sign up to cover our costs, we decided not to risk losing our deposits and cancelled the trip.  We plan on offering it again in 2020, and maybe a year’s hiatus will create more interest.  Thank you to Jen Cannizzarro for keeping on top of things so we will not lose any money.

Stay warm and see you on February 19.

Susan Fasnacht,

1 Feb, 2019

Latest News – 2/19

2021-04-11T17:04:49-04:00Latest News|


– Click on any of the main newsletter headings for the related webpage.
– Send guild news updates, quilt activities and photos to
– Follow NSQG on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

1 Jan, 2019

President’s Message

2019-01-01T14:07:12-05:00President's Message|

Comfort Quilts ready for Christmas delivery to Westchester Medical Center’s Behaviorial Unit

A Happy and Healthy New Year to all!

As the weather starts to turn bad, remember our snow policy.  If the Somers or Kennedy Catholic schools are closed or have early dismissal due to the weather, our meeting will be cancelled.  We will send out an email to members notifying them of a cancellation as early as possible and post an alert on the website. Be sure to check if you are in doubt.

Quilt registration for A World of Quilts XL opens in just a few weeks.  We hope to have a spectacular display of quilts for our 40th show anniversary celebration.   Don’t forget, your quilt does not have to be finished to register it – it only needs to be done by quilt drop off on April 27.  Daisy and Debby have been busy coming up with new ideas for the show – be sure to read their announcements of the changes for this year.

The Ugly Fabric Auction will take place at the January 15 meeting with an early preview around 6:30.  Be sure to bring lots of cash and be ready to bid.  I have heard they will have a great selection of fabric for the event.  February will be mini-demos and your completed Challenge Quilt is due (voting will be at the March meeting).

We will be starting the nominating process for the 2019-2020 Board.  If you are interested in serving on the Board, please let me know.  We will need to fill the elected positions of President (no I am not serving again), Secretary, Treasurer, Communications, and Programs.  A brief description of the jobs is on the website page Membership-Board dropdowns, Being on the Board is quite rewarding.  It is a good way to give back to the Guild, meet members, and see what the Guild does.  Please consider serving – you can also team up with a friend and be co-Chairs.

Susan Fasnacht,

1 Jan, 2019

Latest News – 1/19

2021-04-11T17:18:35-04:00Latest News|


– Click on any of the main newsletter headings for the related webpage.
– Contact with any updates.
– Follow NSQG on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

1 Dec, 2018

President’s Message

2018-12-28T16:44:46-05:00President's Message|

Happy Holidays to all!  I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and are looking forward to all the festivities of December.  There is a lot happening at the beginning of next year and lots of reasons to quilt.  I hope you get time to work on your projects in December. After all there are many reasons to quilt – Challenge quilts, Silent Auction pieces, and quilt show entries.

January will be our Ugly Fabric Auction – last chance to donate is this month’s December meeting.  Also in January quilt registration for the show begins on the 15th.  At our February meeting we will have short demos by members and the Challenge Quilts are due and voted on.  And Super Saturday is February 16.

We are trying a few new things at this year’s show.  One reason is to try and increase attendance, particularly non-quilters.  A second is to produce a little more revenue at the show.  Daisy and Debby will be sending out more details on these changes in the next couple of weeks – we are still working out some of the specifics, but I wanted to give you an idea of what they are planning.

We are going to change a few things at the Silent Auction, since sales have been slowly declining over the past few years. We will be accepting larger items – up to crib size quilts.  We will also have a few gift baskets that people can bid on.  Finally, there will also be a “purchase now” option for all items.

You will also have the opportunity to sell any quilt you enter in the show.  When you register your quilt there will be a new question asking whether you want to list it as being for sale and at what price.  We are still finalizing the process for how the sale will take place – more details will follow.  The guild will take a small commission on any quilt that is sold.

Our hope is that these, plus other changes will help increase attendance at the show.  We want to attract more of the general public to the show, hopefully resulting in more interest in quilting.  I know that some people come to the show looking to purchase a quilt – these changes will help.

Finally, thank you to everyone who brought food items in November to donate to the local food pantries.  If you missed the opportunity to bring an item, you can always contact your local food pantry directly to make a donation.  There is a great need in our area for food pantries and any donations they receive are appreciated.

I wish everyone a wonderful and happy holiday season.
Susan Fasnacht,

1 Dec, 2018

Latest News – 12/18

2021-04-11T17:04:24-04:00Latest News|


Click on any of the main headings above to go to our information webpage for that area.

Contact with any updates.

Follow updates on Facebook  and Instagram   –   @northernstarquilters

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