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7 Nov, 2015

Valarie Poitier Joins us in November!!



Do you have lots of things in your stash that you are not using?

You were thinking tIMG_2482his was a good idea at the time, but what do you do now?  Gather those things and your special fabrics and papers, paints,  pens and markers. Here is a chance to learn how and why to use them.

Contact Judy Gignesi at  to sign up.

For more information on Valarie please visit her website

25 Sep, 2015

Jackie Kunkel of Canton Village Quilts joins us in October!!



01-80_B1319_Finals.inddWe are happy to announce that Jackie Kunkel, owner of Canton Village Quilt Works, is joining us for our October 21st workshop.

Jackie Kunkel has been quilting for more than 18 years, and is a Quiltworx Certified Instructor. She is the founder of Canton Village Quilt Works and the creative voice behind the podcast “Jackie’s Quilting Chronicles,” as well as the author of Splash of Color: A Rainbow of Brilliant Black-and-White Quilts. Jackie’s award-winning quilts have been featured in numerous publications, including Quilt magazine and Quick Quilts.

Jackie will be signing her new book after the lecture on Tuesday.

Because this last minute change was necessary we urge you to sign-up immediately. A supply list will be sent in time for you to prepare for the workshop. Contact Judy Gignesi at to sign up.

For more info on Jackie and Canton Village Quilt Works, please visit her website.

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