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So far admin has created 99 blog entries.
1 Feb, 2016

Doll Quilts


Untitled 2Maggie Kolvenbach is collecting doll quilts for the dementia patients at Somers Manor Nursing Home.  These patients are given dolls as part of their treatment.  If you would like to make a doll quilt, you can bring it to Maggie at the Guild meeting.  A suggested size is approximately 20 by 24 inches.  It is important that it not be so big that the quilt gets caught in the wheels of the wheelchairs. Your pattern can be simple and the piece should remain pliable so quilting should not be dense.  It is acceptable to use flannel for backing and not use batting.  Maggie says to have fun with it and not to worry if your corners aren’t perfect.  She thanks you for helping her to make this project a reality.

11 Jan, 2016

Comfort Quilts & Westchester Medical Center



On December 24th the Westchester Medical Center Behavioral Health Center interviewed Barbara Powers, the Behavioral Health Center Quilts Coordinator, for an article they wanted to post on their website and Facebook page thanking Northern Star Quilters’ Guild for 18 years of donations of over 800 quilts for their children and adolescent patients.


For more information on the Westchester Medical Center Behavioral Health Center, visit their website  website or Facebook page where they posted a photo of the quilts.




4 Jan, 2016

Can you help?


Update: a thank you from Mark Lipinski regarding the fund raiser.  Click on the link to go to Mark’s blog.  thank you from Mark


Mark Lipinski – Can you help him?  Mark had a set back from his 2013 kidney transplant and was recently in the hospital for 66 days.  Meg Cox has started a public fund to help Mark with his medical bills.  Click here to go to the funding raise site if you would like to contribute.

For full details from Mark about his recent medical episode, go to his blog.

29 Dec, 2015

President’s Message

2021-04-11T16:47:52-04:00President's Message|

Happy New Year!!! The hub-bub of the holidays is behind us and a brand new year is ahead just waiting for us to plan meaningful adventures and do good things.  A clean slate, so to speak.  At the suggestion of my BFF it has been our practice each January 1st to make a list of Quilting Goals we hope to accomplish in the coming year. There are things we MUST do, things we should do and things we would like to do. A third BFF is part of this endeavor and we exchange our lists.  Mine hangs on a small bulletin board in my sewing area.  As we complete items we check them off and notify our buddies.  At year’s end we exchange a complete check list and add the things we have done that weren’t on the list.  Impressive!  I save my lists.  It is a great record of what I have done, and not done, over the years.  I can’t take credit for this excellent idea but I can pass it on to you with the suggestion that it really does spur you on to get busy when a lull sets in.  It is sometimes surprising to see what you accomplished through the year, and over several years.  On the other hand, there are items that never get off the list and some are marked “tossed” instead of checked.  Think about doing something like this with a friend or two to keep yourselves focused for the year.

Last year my goals suffered some because I “had other fish to fry.”  It was a busy year for the Guild with a lot of unexpected problem solving involved.  I thank my Board for stepping up to the plate each time and coming up with a solution, and to the people who filled in when needed.  This Guild is the BEST!  Our December meeting was one of those unexpected problems occurring at the last minute. “Can’t use the cafeteria space.” However, everyone worked together and it was a great meeting.  Maybe it is good for us to shake things up a bit.  Meg Cox had so much interesting information in her lecture.  There is some follow up material that Meg left for us.  Judy will work with Maria to get it to you through the website.  And what a fantastic new website it is!  Maria, the hard work is well worth it!  We appreciate every effort.  Members, take time to explore it and get used to going there for up to date NSQG information.

The special raffle baskets were a beautiful surprise. Thank you Hospitality committee!  The holiday refreshment tables were overflowing with delicious goodies.  Thank you everyone!


Joyce Sullivan, President

29 Dec, 2015

2016 Quilt Show


I hope you have been busy quilting over the holiday season – Quilt Registration starts on January 15th!  We will be using a new on-line registration form this year – it should make registration even easier.  Directions on where to find the form and any special instructions will be emailed to you before the 15th.  If you want to get an early start on reviewing the quilt requirements and our Categories, that information is available now on the NSQG website. Go to the “Show Your Quilt” section under the Quilt Show tab on our website.

Please register you quilts early and we strongly encourage you to register your quilts online.  We are expecting a “full house” of quilts this year and want to have a spectacular display for our inaugural year at West Conn.

It is not too early to hand in your small quilts for the Silent Auction. Carolyn Langevin or Kay Marcarello will be on hand to collect them at the January meeting.


Susan Fasnacht, VP Quilt Show

29 Dec, 2015

Lancaster Trip


This year’s trip is taking place March 18-19, 2016. We’ll work our way to Lancaster, PA on Friday, shopping at some of the best fabric stores the area has to offer. After dinner and a good night’s sleep at the Fairfield Inn, we will spend Saturday at the quilt show before returning home in the late afternoon.

The cost of the trip is $170, which includes transportation, dinner on Friday, lodging Friday night, breakfast Saturday, and a ticket to the show. Bring your checkbook to the next meeting to secure your seat on the bus! Itineraries will be available at the meeting, or email to request one now.

Chris Roche, VP Special Events

29 Dec, 2015

Super Saturday


It’s NOT too late to sign up for one of the Super Saturday classes.   To register,  email You can either mail your payment of $25 to NSQG or bring it to the January meeting.  The class descriptions are on the NSQG website. For those members who have signed up for classes, please note that Mary Cannizzaro will bring supply lists and pattern (fee required) for her class to the January meeting, and Susan Deshensky will bring the Judy Neimeyer Compass pattern (fee required). All other teachers have been given their sign-up lists and will be contacting their students directly with additional info.

The classes that do not have sufficient students at this time are “3 Square Bag” and “Artistic Name Tag”. Members who have signed up for these classes will have the option to attend another class or receive a refund unless additional members sign up.

Anyone with dietary considerations for Super Saturday lunch, please contact Jean Degl no later than the January meeting so that individual concerns can be passed on to the Hospitality chair when they order the food for the day.

Chris Roche, VP Special Events

28 Dec, 2015

2017 Raffle Quilt Charity


Every year the Guild supports a nonprofit charity organization to partner with the Guild and be the recipient of our Raffle Quilt fundraiser.

If you have a favorite charity that you would like to nominate, the nomination form and the Guidelines can be found on the website under Charitable Activities. Contact Althea Nolan at if you have any questions.

14 Dec, 2015

2016 Quilt Show


It’s a little over a month away until registration opens on January 15. Information on registration rules and instructions, as well as quilt categories will be available on the website. I hope you will have some extra time over the holidays to work on your quilts. If you have any questions, please contact me.

At this year’s Show, we are going to add a new exciting feature to promote and entice more people to attend. We will be giving out lots of door prizes. All show attendees will have a chance to win a door prize. I am busy collecting items that can be used for the prizes, but I would like some more. If you have a new or gently used quilting notion, specialty tool, pattern book, charm pack, jelly roll, fat quarter, or other item related to quilting, please consider donating it. Bring it to any of the Guild meetings over the next few months and I will add it to my collection.

Silent Auction
We hope you’ve been thinking about donating a quilted wall-hanging for the Silent Auction. The number of participants and the variety of quilts are what makes the Silent Auction so exciting.
We’d like the quilts by the April Guild meeting, but will be happy to take them sooner. Please contact Carolyn Langevin or Kay Marcarello, if you need more information.

Reminders: The Quilt show Committee will meet in the Kennedy Catholic Faculty Lounge at 4:30 on Tuesday, February 9. As we quickly approach the end of the year, it is important that the leader of each SIG or any other group interested in mounting an Exhibit at the Show send a written request for space to Patti Calautti, Quilt Hanging Chair. The deadline is January 1, 2016.

24 Nov, 2015

President’s Message

2021-04-11T16:46:22-04:00President's Message|

As everyone around me seems to say, “I can’t believe it is almost December.”  Summer seemed to last a long time, then Fall was over in a few days.  I hope you will all enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving with family and friends.  The Guild outdid itself last month with the food donations that will provided a Happy Thanksgiving for many who otherwise might not have one.  It is a wonderful start to the “giving season”.

Thanks to the Boutique organizers and vendors for the work that must go into all the lovely items that show up for us to purchase. I hope that “giving season” feeling continued as many members and guests began holiday shopping. A special thank you to Carol and Karen for service above and beyond their Comfort Quilt duties as they made money at their booth to help support the Guild. Your efforts are appreciated by all members. Thanks also for the money you raised at the October quilt raffle. Great leaders!

Those of us who attended the “Stuff” workshop with Valarie Poitier were not disappointed and came away filled with ideas and methods for doing exciting things with fabric in the weeks ahead. It was primarily a day of playing and experimenting with unfamiliar products while enjoying the friendship and laughter of fellow members. A great day! I heard many comments that Valarie was one of the most inspiring and enthusiastic speakers we have had in a long time. How lucky we are that she could come a year ahead of schedule to help us out!

Now comes the time of year when we all go on “overload” with the chores and social events of the holiday season. Be sure to save time for yourself to do things that help you de-stress. Things like working on your cow challenge or your show quilt and going to Guild meetings. I have read a lot of Meg Cox’s book, The Quilters’ Catalog, and look forward to hearing her at our December meeting. The book is packed full of interesting information about quilts and important people in the quilt world. Her lecture will surely be full of these stories. Another draw for the December meeting is the refreshment table full of everyone’s special holiday treats. I am a cookie lover and know I will eat way more than my share. So, see you at the refreshment table in December.

Joyce Sullivan, President

23 Nov, 2015



We are happy to have Meg Cox join us as our December guest lecturer.  Meg’s two specialties are family traditions and quilting.  She has been a passionate quilter for 25 years.  Her books and lectures are jam-packed with practical information and inspiration.  Her book, The Quilter’s Catalog, is a must have for all of us.

Our next workshop will be in March.  Plan ahead.  The sign up tables remain open at all meetings.  You can also contact me if you want to sign up.

If any members have suggestions for choice of speakers, areas of interest, please let Judy Gignesi at

22 Nov, 2015



Let’s give a warm welcome to our newest members,  Brenda Harris, Debbie Tompkins, and Michela Gilarde-Green.

Membership is  looking for members who are interested in holding a One Woman Show.  This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your talents at an upcoming meeting and provides a visual feast to your fellow Guild members.  Please email Membership if you or someone you know may be interested.

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